im busy and some fangirls are annoying!

Feb 01, 2008 19:42

mang i've been mia for a while, i'm sorry i can't get back to everyone's msg right away, i feel bad ; ; a little update about myself ~ i've been sooo incredibly busy with my new job, i work for the accounting department for an independent disclosure company and my job calls for being on task most of the time LOL. i can't go on myspace or lj or check my mail at work like i used to. i've met like hundreds of ppl already in other departments, and have been calling them wrong names! i wanna switch my career to geography! Totally thinking about it. So i checked my myspace messages today, this dumb 14 yr old fangirl keeps msging me about tegoshi -_- she saw pictures of my room and she told me this:
"i dont have all those posters on my wall because i dont live in japan but if i did live in japan my wall would be cover NEWS,Tegomass,and KAT-TUN"

lol why do dumb fangirls say dumb things. i had another fangirl HARRASSING me about tegoshi a while back, and she was begging for me to be her friend, i was like PSYCHO much. maybe i should change my profile

im sure everyone heard the new NEWS singles, what do you guys think?? Beautiful eyes sound really nice until koyama sings haha im so mean. he can't seem to hit the notes correctly like he sounds really out of tune and my ears were cringing like =/ bambina has a nice nice nice beat i love it! also just finished watching kt on ms, i love this new song lips!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

anyway i got my question cd in the mail today! but the box cdjapan packed it in was ridiculously huge.!! and i figured out because my package got 'pulled' over by the united states customs for examination hahahahah like wow, no wonder the package got delayed, i was wondering what was taking so long.

seeee big package *_* for ONE CD rofl

the back has a naruto cover or looks like a sticker, the scans are HOT i wonder if anyone scanned them yet, if not imma scan them this weekend!

news must be #1, everyone please buy from cdjapan kkthnx!

my eyes are puffy right now, because i was crying earlier =/ im so 'stressed' at my job. so i cried yup xD

rant - other

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