Excited for Yuya's new drama (ノ゜o゜)ノ

Sep 13, 2007 02:05

Nyaaa omanko. ppl complain about the most trivial things, and I complain about how they complain lol. It's like urusai. I know how it is, you upload something, one day it has 200 downloads but you only receive 20 whatever comments, kinda creepy isnt it?  Of course comments are loved but you can't expect everyone to prop you.  How come people still don't understand how internet works..?? It's the world wide web for crying outloud..what do you expect, privacy? O_O I have to lol at that. There are so many lurkers around, not to mention ppl don't have an account. If you want to continue uploading and sharing, then don't complain about it bcuz I'd rather not hear about it and I'm sure no one else does. So then just turn your LJ into f-lock only and stop complaining please ;_;   I'm even happy a person will download whatever I share because I know that it has reached that person.  If they want to fangirl with me then I will fangirl with them back.  The thing with me is that not only can I talk forever about JE, but I can talk forever about nothing. I'm a chatterbox.  AGAIN, IT'S THE INTERNET, IF YOU DON'T WANT YOUR SHIT SPREADING, THEN DON'T EVEN POST IT AT ALL OKAY?^_^ with that being said, I am going to share every file I have in my harddrives (that's like 1500gb of goodies!, one day at at time). Of course every file has its origin which I take no credit for whatsoever.  I'm just the relayer =P. stop being stubborn and share.

It appears tegoshi is disliking his new role in the period/era drama (--メ)... Such a lil brat. But at the same time he is working hard. He said he read books about the edo period in preparation for the dorama. Seems that the ’edo’ scenary will be completely made of CG. This might be a bit difficult for Tegoshi to act on since he actually doesnt have much to act with as opposed to working with a real ’stage’. With CG, you are acting with the wall. This will definitely show us whether he has some truely talented acting skills or not maa maa I am joking. m(__)m I cannot be that mean about the guy. I did love his acting in shisso. Hell I love the guy period.( ゜д゜)ノ

More embarrassing Tegoshi previews._(._.)_

This is a new one, I think that's one of the many ghosts he talks to ((((;゜Д゜))) Dayam he is so ugly here! busu desu.

I found some excerpts of the novel online but of course it's in Japanese (*´д`*) It looks a bit boring ( ̄_ ̄) There are so many ghosts and character names, can't even read kanji. LoL from my last post looks like most of us are かんじ illiterate. Why can't they stick with only TWO writing systems, why incorporate kanji why why nandayo! If I ever become president of Japan, I am definitely getting rid of kanji wahahaha (`・ω・´) Mang, arent you guys glad shabake came out to hiragana?(ーー;) Looks way nicer too \(^-^)/

Enough with the かお!

rant - other, tegoshi pictures

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