King・Kinki Kids 12/30 Tokyo DOME
I'm sure you all could get your hands on the set list, so I'm starting with my super "Omg I just left the concert and I'm sending these flailings from my cellphone" part of the report for your entertainment, Excuse the lack of timeline!
★ During Harmony of December at the part "It seems like it'll snow again tonight", there was snow falling on stage and it kept snowing both for real and on screen. Koichi was looking up and suddenly starts to cough and can't sing a part. Afterwards in the MC he said that it wasn't because he caught a cold but because he was staring at the snow and it gets inside his mouth and makes him cough haha. Tsuyoshi then teases him that he coughed at the worst timing. It was like saying in a couple situation: "We've been going out for 7 years now... Will you marcoughcoughcoughcough"
★ Tsuyoshi tsukkomis their own stage. "What's the meaning of having snow fall at where we're singing "It seems like it'll snow again tonight". It's perfectly snowing! It should have been "It seems like it's snowing again tonight". (Konya mo yuki ga furisou da ne → konya mo yuki ga futteru da ne. ) Then Koichi says he can't do it because that's not what the lyrics are.
★ Koichi absolutely gorgeous and he flew right towards us and up in these ballons (encore). I think he saw us because we shouted and he looked our way but i can't be sure ofcourse.
★ They talked about the earthquake and Koichi asked Tsuyo that he was always curious what he was doing at that time and Tsuyoshi was at thirtysomething floor and the building shook for like 7 minutes. He was trying to close the window but kept failing because it was shaking so strongly. In the end he had sat down girly, giving up. He put his dog in the bag and got out the house. By the way, he was worried about Koichi so he called their manager because he was worried if Koichi was flying or not or what during that time. ("Are you flying? Are you not flying? Which one is it!") He did it slightly comically, then again mimicking someone but I'm lazy to actually look up his name right now. Their manager said Koichi was fine, so Tsuyoshi said, OK because I have alot of stuff going on right now over here, I'll call back again later.
★ It was really lucky that Endless Shock had been in the break. Koichi explains what he was doing with exeggrated actions, like putting on his heavy outfit with big moves and Tsuyoshi tsukkomis him by telling him to wear it slightly cooler. Well Koichi is only half dressed up when it happens, then he thinks everyone must be panicking and goes out to talk to someone. But no one is talking to him so he goes back to his room and dressed up, putting on the TV and watching the news, thinking it was a really big earthquake. Then one of the staff comes in panicking, "What are you doing?! Everyone is running away!!" and Koichi is surprised but then he ran away as well. By running away, ofcourse he just went back to the agency to talk about how to give back the money for the tickets......
★ In one of the instrumental breaks, Tsuyoshi is dancing rea~lly cool and MA dances with him. Afterwards Koichi appears alone and plays with the lasers. He moves them around with his hand and such. In the MC they are talking about what had changed since Koichi becomes 33. Koichi said that he will be getting a year older. Besides the obvious, he can actually make lasers come out from him naturally. Now we all thought he was just playing with the lasers that were already in the set up but no, they came out from his body! So Tsuyoshi calls him Domoto Laser. And Koichi laughs, telling him to at least make it a cooler nickname.
★ They are talking about small things that are unlucky which happens to him and Kou says that those stuff happen a lot to him, because he has bad luck. Yesterday too , he decides to eat sukiyaki at home and sets it in the living room, opening the TV. He finishes his vegetables first, then everyone goes Eeeeeeeeeh, including Tsuyoshi, but Koichi gets defensive because it's not the main part of his story. Tsuyoshi says that you don't usually eat vegetables first, it's either the meat or you eat them together but Koichi likes leaving the meat to the last. Anyway, he finishes his vegetables and is about to eat the meat. Just before he actually start, the electrics go BA~N! He had been using too much electricty so the powers go out before he could eat the meat. He wishes that it went off during vegetables. He thinks to himself; Koichi-san, you are using too much electricity.
★ Then Tsuyoshi asks Koichi what was the most small unlucky thing that happened to him lately. Koichi thinks and is like, you know, at airports I always go bee-p. So a while ago at Osaka, he is ready and takes off his belt and stuff super fashionably, and goes through the thing. But he goes Bee-p again anyway and he realized it was because of the button of his jeans. He takes them off too and the shoes and goes through it and it's alright. Everyone laughs because that's the end of the story and there's not much to continue from it.
★ So this time Koichi asks Tsuyoshi what was his small thing? Tsuyoshi's manager is sick and coughing so it makes him angry when manager doesn't put on a mask. He has been telling him to put on a mask when he's sick for 7-8 years but he never does. So Tsuyoshi got really angry this time saying "i'm a singer! It'll be bad if I catch a cold. while you are complaining about this and that at the backstage I'm sparkling on the stage!" So after that his manager nods and takes out a mask from his pockeet, and Tsuyoshi is shocked because "If you are carrying it, why are you not putting it on!?" Well, after that they are talking about this and that and Tsuyoshi leans in to point something out, talking about work, and manager leans in to reply as well, takes off his mask, speaks, puts his mask back on and goes back. Tsuyoshi gets angry again because if you are taking it off while you speak then what's the meaning of having it on in the first place? Koichi just smiles and nods saying "aah. those people exist na"
★ Koichi is in a really strange high tension so Tsuyoshi asks him if he had been drinking. Koichi wasn't drinking but he heard that the snow that was falling had alcohol in it so maybe because of that he's been in a good mood.
★ About the earthquake MC again, Tsuyoshi left his building with his dog and when he was outside, a grandma stuck to him, holding his butt and going "I'm scared I'm scared" Tsuyoshi kindly moves her hands up to his back, trying to calm her down but she keeps changing her hands back to his butt haha. In the end the woman says "I'm going to the south!". Tsuyoshi has no idea where south is like so he points somewhere and says he's going to that direction so she should just stay here. I think he goes to the agency after that.
★ During the MC Tsuyoshi was wearing the KinKi Kids parka. He says it's because he wants it to sell. At some part Koichi says "and then, our new single coming out, Kawatta katachi no ishi..." And Tsuyoshi is like "!!!". Koichi continues by saying "Yoroshiku onegaishimasu"(in other ways he wants us to buy it haha) Tsuyoshi then gives out a breath and shouts at him "Oi you, I was thinking what sort of timing is that to start singing just like that." Then he mimics Koichi's "please listen to this song" tone by saying "Then, our new song, ... yoroshiku onegaishimasu *bow*" it was funny because I also thought they were ending MC when Koichi said that haha.
★ During the MC, Koichi said that they received baby star goods for Christmas. And one of the goods was reaaaally delicious and it wasn't on sale, it was a really VIP food. Tsuyoshi didn't realize that. But Koichi says he should eat it and Tsuyoshi goes, heee. Then Koichi is silent and so is Tsuyoshi and so are all of the fans. For few seconds there was a complete silence in the Dome ( and I mean a complete silence! )and Koichi cracked up while Tsuyoshi looked like he just wanted to headpalm. K: "I love this. Just for moment the whole Tokyo Dome, all 55000people went silent!" T: "This was a failure just now. It was one of those moments where I thought you had more to say and you didn't." Koichi laughs some more, really amused. "Imagine this, in the whole space, if we keep zooming in, there's the earth, then there's Japan, then there's Tokyo, and Tokyo Dome and inside there are 55000 all going silent for one moment. It's amazing." and to that Tsuyoshi laughs going all, "You shouldn't brought in the space into this. It makes it look so small and not impressive at all"
Now on with the parts I remember that had MA i it!
First things first, MA looked absolutely incredible. I think you have already seen them in Countdown. But Yaracchi is really small and you can actually tell where he is even from 2nd floor because of how he walks and dances. I felt proud in my MA skills LOL.
I was a little disappointed because there wasn't much MA interaction with KinKi Kids so I had to look at somewhere else while everyone had their eyes on KinKi hahha. MA and 4U was usually on the main stage except from the beginning.
Their clothes at first are these silver black space outfit stuff. They had these head stuff on too. At one side was Machida and Tatsumi, Yaracchi and Yone was at the other side.
During Time, KinKi moves from the main stage to the center stage on this huge clock with two K stands moving around it. After Time ends, Love in the phi started! Their dance was really really really cool. MA danced together at behind KinKi before moving back to the main stage afterwards.
MA and Yuuchans had a solo dance that was on the screen before Family started!
I don't remember the exact line but it started with a classical type of music and I don't remember the line up but Yuuchans and YaraYone went first and at the end Machidakun ended the dance with a dramatic close up, sitting on the stairs at the side of the stage where the bandmen are. He was really really beautiful ♥
Kimi to boku no naka de, they had this huge play thing and I was having a lot of trouble keeping up with it. KinKi was playing around with the kohais and it was all hilarious. Yaracchi was holding red roses and trying to hand it out. A lot had been going on so I don't remember what others were doing =( Hopefully other reports write them.
Next song they had single performances. First MA was on the higher stage in the main stage, there was fire but it was hotter because their dance had a lot of passion in it. It was really speedy and I felt like, Ohmygod, it's really MA! MA is as I thought the best with the 3 of them together! Yaracchi was at the center but when you watch MA, you can't just focus on one of them because they moved so perfectly together! It was the best.
After that they all went backstage and KinKi performed alone I think.
By the way during Ne Ganbaru yo, there was some KinKi fanservice.
The last song is Kawatta katachi no ishi. It's a really pretty stage and a song. In the end they say that the main idea of this concert was " Buy our new single! " LOL, really honest.
During member introductions, for you was first, then Yonehana Tsuyoshi, Machida Shingo and Yara Tomoyuki. They all danced solo and it was perfect. Yone did acrobatics, Maachin danced and ended it with an adorable double peace and sticking out his tongue. Yaracchi was perfect as always I don't have any words at all!
Machida punched Matsuzaki in slow motion and Matsuzaki was playing along.
At the last song, the center stage moves on the arena seats and the gold tapes, most of them fall on the stage with Koichi and Tsuyoshi. The stage moves back to the main stage and MA and For You joins them for the last member introductions. Koichi mistakes the name for 4U several times. First it's UFO. The boys throw themselves on the floor, moving their hands in big motions while shouting out that it's reverse. And because UFO is Unidentified Flying Object, Tsuyoshi says sorry and let's do it right. "It was, Object Flying Unidentified!"(hikou buttai mikakunin) and the boys throw themselves ont he floor again. Koichi and Tsuyoshi are having a lot of fun. While they're joking aroud like that, Koichi threw himself on the moving stage with the gold tapes shouting it's a treasure and For You also joins and then Ma does too and Tsuyoshi is standing as the only adult as everyone else keeps throwing the tapes up and rolling around in them. I might be the only one and I don't care but I'm totally in love with Yone's smile haha. In the end they properly say "It was 4 U" and Yuuchantachi leaves.
Yonehana is next ♥ His introduction is "Yonehanasan who is given the English menu because he is mistaken for a foreigner."
Machida's introduction is "Machida-san who seems flirty but is not." haha.
Then it was Yaracchi with a lot of Kya-s and some people actually shouted "Yaracchi welcome back". "It was Yarasan who has been with us after a long time."
Ma was introduced seperately BUT jkldfsaf Tsuyoshi actually ACTUALLY said "It was MA and 4U!"
I was so happy that I could cry. Because they haven't been calling MA, MA for few years now. IT felt like a dream. Thank you Tsuyoshikun!