I ♥ v6 rumors!!

Dec 05, 2009 18:45

Although the Ken in my icon says "LIES", I'd want to believe they're not, cause they're cute! . Whether they are or not, the latest rumors (dated 3-4th december, 2009) say that~~~~~~~~

☆ Fast congratulatory news from a famous actress!
According to a reporter a famous actress is pregnant!
She's going to get married but it's not a "shot-gun wedding", she got pregnant after they decided to get married (yeah, right!) The hints are " Hissatsu shigotonin , fuyusona and pachinko kekkon". That's probably Higashiyama! I think. idk.

☆ Date in a beauty Parlor between Actress U.A and idol M.G.
Obviously it's Ueto Aya and Morita Go. The news is dated 3rd December, 2009. Reporter from Josei Seven , say that "These two had continued their relationship the whole time underwater."
In the FNS song festival 2 days ago, Morita had a ring in his right ring finger too. Ueto too, occassionaly wears a ring in his right hand.

*rolls eyes* This sounds too much like an Akame rumor.

Anyway I heard Morita had his hair cut and Aya had her nails done. Or something. The rumors end by speculating that his hair did look shorter during FNS but seriously, pics or it didn't happen :p

I'm done for now cause I'm still LT and wathing KinKi You with Aikata ♥ MA is lovely.

higashiyama noriyuki, morita go, v6, rumors, ueto aya

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