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Comments 34

biases August 10 2009, 11:55:36 UTC
“…Would you like another comb?” he asked, as she broke into a smile. “There are lots of them, you can have as many as you li-”


This was great, Misora! I really liked the way Katara and Zuko connected during/after the play, and you made the progression really honest and natural.

I hope you win! ♥


misora August 10 2009, 17:58:53 UTC
!!! Wow, Dex, you don't even like this pairing, and you're saying that??? d'awww you are too good to me. ♥

And dorky Zuko is cute, yes? XD


elfishscallywag August 10 2009, 12:46:31 UTC
Oooooh Misora I LOVE YOUR SMUT D: Seriously, you're one of the best smutfic writers I've seen (that Ulquihime piece is still one of the best things I've read, ever), I love your build-up. I adored the combs in this one and the overall sexyness :D Really enjoyed reading, when I saw it was yours I just had to even if I'm at work XD
And wait, if it me or is Zuko's hand really on Kaytay's in that EIP screenshot, after the fic? Seriously?! That's awesome, never saw that before.


misora August 10 2009, 18:01:13 UTC
Thank you, thank you! :D I'm glad you liked it. I can't take credit for the adorable EIP manip that I included in the picture collage...that was done by saxophonic23. It looks so much better than any manip I could've done. ^^

♥ Thanks for the feedback!


saxophonic23 August 10 2009, 18:25:37 UTC
I really liked the progression of this! I know some smutfics jump right into the action, but I like the lead up you've written. It's natural and lovely and gives the sex a context.

"Would you like another comb?" OH ZUKO XDDDDDDDDDD

I am so incredibly flattered that you used my manip!! I literally jumped out of my seat and did a happy dance XD I totally don't overreact, what are you talking about? haha

Very nice work! I wish you luck in the Zutarotica contest :) This is a great piece!


misora August 10 2009, 20:08:38 UTC
Heehee, glad you liked it! I can never write porn without lots and lots and lots of context.

Zuko is such a woobie-woobie.

And your manip is absolutely gorgeous! I had been working on the fic when you posted it in Capstara, so I was like "...omfg I haf to use it somehao!!!!" ^^ I'm so jellus of your p-shop manip skills. I'd love to use it to make a layout, actually. ^^

Thank you so much for your feedback!


saxophonic23 August 11 2009, 03:01:24 UTC
^^;; I don't own p-shop. It's MSPaint all the way, BB.

I would be most flattered if you used it in a layout XD


misora August 11 2009, 07:05:30 UTC
Nowai! That's even more amazing...I rely on p-shop to do any manips, but mine still don't turn out as good as yours do. ;___;

And yes, when I have time I'd love to try to make a pretty layout of it! :D


miss_sassy August 10 2009, 19:18:22 UTC
I just started watching Avatar recently, partially so when you shared Avatar fics, I could read them without being totally confused ^_^

This was very sweet and pretty and hot and wonderful.

And thirding (fourthing?) the "Would you like another comb?" love. Very cute line.


misora August 10 2009, 20:09:38 UTC
Oh, wow! ^^;;; I hope I didn't spoil you for anything you haven't seen yet, then?...but thank you, I'm so glad you liked it!


miss_sassy August 10 2009, 20:35:07 UTC
I'm a wee bit spoiled, but I knew I would probably be a little spoiled going in :) Totally worth it to read Misora smut ^_^


misora August 11 2009, 06:55:14 UTC
I'm sorry you got spoiled!! But still glad you liked! XD


umbrellaknight August 11 2009, 05:39:32 UTC
I'm not sure if I should have read that. But, damn, was it worth it. I doubt I'll never look at that Unagi the same way again, either. Which I can stand to regret, but remember: worth it.

..Now where did that meme go?


misora August 11 2009, 06:54:08 UTC

Unagi are phallic. Phallic, I tell you. It shoots a projectile of liquid from its mouth.

...Need I say more.

Glad you thought it was worth it! ^____^



umbrellaknight August 11 2009, 22:10:24 UTC
Yeah, I already got that beautiful Unagi analogy. 'Gives me an idea.

Oh, this.


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