Hokay. Because I think the casting of the Last Airbender is made of supreme fail, as I mentioned last post, here are my choices for the live-action roles.
Be aware, I did end up casting two characters with white actors. But the rest are appropriately matched, I think.
Under cut, b/c it's huge and you don't want this spamming your flists no matter how sexy it is. unf. )
Well, hell. These choices are fabulous AND they make sense.
why aren't you directing this movie?
I especially love your first choice for Zuko, your choice for Ozai (wow, great expression!) and your choice for Iroh.
And if M. Night doesn't cast Isaacs as Zhao (the only white person I would have approved of in this movie), I will ... probably not be surprised. >< AFJALJAF
Zhao (esp played by Isaacs) and Aang are the ONLY characters I could see being completely white in this adaptation. For the others there's no excuse why they white-washed everyone.
Glad you like the choices. :D
M. Night's Zuko choice is the one that's driving me particularly bonkers, though. Especially considering that Zuko's voice actor was Asian.
But that's a really old pic of Zach Eisen. I can't seem to find a recent one, but he's like 15 years old now. :p
Oh that's right, you did! Gah. I'm so bad with names and faces when it comes to non-animated people. *blush*
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