My baby looks like Aang. (Even has the Asian-baby forelock.)

Aug 28, 2011 13:06


*points to icon* kekekekeke DEVIN IS AN AIRBENDER

...or maybe just a gasbender. He farts a lot. Mama & Dad giggle when it happens. :D (This kid is so screwed with us as parents.)

Here he is at 3.5 months:

Note: his baby sunglasses have special elasta-band to go around his head because his head is so freakishly huge, guys. Seriously it's been in the 98th percentile this whole time.

Had his 4 month dr's visit last week. He got lots of shots and was very angry at me about it. I find that I can't stand to hear him cry. ;___; He's been fussy ever since, but it's winding down. Hopefully he'll be back to a semi-normal sleeping schedule soon.

Still writing. Wondering if I can possibly submit an out line for avatarbigbang. Going to try, even if it kills me and I have other stuff I should be working on. I have this great idea for a post-series fic and it's taking up too much space in my head.

I want to do so much more in terms of both writing and jewelrymaking, but I have no free time lately. Such is life.

fic writing, devin

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