May 20, 2004 11:46
I bought an Esquire magazine yesterday, because Johnny Depp was on the cover. That sounds just shallow and stupid, but really, that's what Esquire wanted...women to buy their men's magazine because of the extremely talented and sexy man on their cover. Shame on me for falling for their marketing ploy. I mean, what more could the magazine people want than for, not only a woman to buy their men's magazine, but a 19 year old to! Wow. anyway...the worst part was that I wanted to buy two, so I could keep one and then cut the other one up and put the pictures of Johnny Depp in my book.
Anyway, the magazine was geared towards making men be a certain way and acting a certain way. I mean, everyone always goes on about how today's society pressures women to look and act a certain way (and it does) but it makes men too. The magazine was all about image and perfection and things you HAVE to do to get women.
I don't know how things are in NYC or LA, but I do know that I don't want a man like the ones in Esquire magazine. What is the point of the magazine being published nationally when it only concerns those elite in big cities? I don't think you could buy anything Gucci or Dolce and Gabana or Versace in Michigan...maybe in Detroit, but I really wouldn't know.
Anyway, of course women don't want slobs...they don't want men without manners or intelligence or who can't dress themselves. And maybe some women DO want the men in Esquire magazine...but I am not one of them. I was put off while reading the magazine, thinking "There are guys that are this shallow?" I don't think I would want a guy who cares more about how his hair looks than I do.
Women want real men. They want men who are responsible and smart. Honestly, I think one of the biggest things girls want are guys with some common sense. Really...if you don't have a cool car and if you don't have a lot of money, but have common sense and pay your bills and can take care of yourself, you are worth more than a man who has a brand new corvette and money to throw around who has his mother come and do his laundy.
I would rather have a truck driver for a husband who provides for me and our kids and cares about us, instead of someone who can make us rich, but who is gonna be completely concerned about his image at work. My dad just said the other night "The world needs truck drivers too..." lol.
The reason he said that was because we were eating dinner and this guy Chris, who helps out my brother and just hangs out with us, was there. I love to tease him, because I am two months older than he is, but he is married and has 3 kids. He mentioned that if he hadn't gotten expelled from the alternative education program, he would have graduated with me. I was like, yeah. Anyway, he said that even though he never finished high school, he was probably making more money than a lot of people. That's when my dad made the truck driver comment. After my brother and Chris left, I said 'He's a nice guy...cute." and my mom's like "Leslie, he's married..."
I laughed and was annoyed at the same time. "OF COURSE HE IS MARRIED!"
But that was what made him so attractive, was the fact that even though he was my age, he had taken responsibility for his actions, like the kids, and got married and he was responsible enough to take care of his family and provide for them. Chris isn't the hottest thing on earth...his nickname is the Hobbit, for Pete's sake. But the fact that he is what he is makes him all the more attractive. So...there is a good example. I'd like to see what stuck up Dolce and Gabana models would think of that.
Too often, I am concerned with how I look. I don't deny that. I hate my profile. All I can say is that I had better get easy childbirthing in exchange for having to go around with these hips and thighs. But, I feel a lot better about myself since I have been running, though, I really hated running before (now I don't mind it) but before, I hated running more than I hated the way my body looked. I just started running, because I like to eat. HAHA. If I run, I don't have to watch what I eat SO much. I don't drink as much pop as I used to.
Anyway, if I catch myself criticizing myself in the mirror continuously, I have to tell myself "Go and read a book or do something to increase your character, because ultimately, it's gonna be your personality that attracts..." And really, if all a guy is interested in me for is because of my body, I don't want to be with him anyway...but honestly, I don't think that happens too often...haha.
I like my broad shoulders and I like my eyes and hair. I hate my mouth, chin and neck, as well as my hips and thighs...and feet...they are huge. I am waiting to find a positive side to having big feet. Perhaps, I'll be ship wrecked with a bunch of Chinese women and I'll be the only one who makes it to a shore, because I have the flippers...
I, however, DO take solace in something my dad told me once. "Leslie, back in the 1800's, you would be the most sought after woman, because you are bigger. Men didn't want waifs for wifes...they didn't want sickly, little small things." I told this to my friend BethAnne, because she is built like me...big feet, bunions, broad shoulders, glasses, long hair...the whole nine yards...and we always like to joke about us being farm girls and how guys want us for that reason. The only thing is that she tans beautifully and has really great lips...Nick would be in love...