IBM management= *FAIL*

Jan 31, 2010 17:20

Now that Colonel K no longer works for the Eval MegaKorp! I can say a few things on the quality of their management.Or lack thereof.

Try this: after twenty years' service with the company you'd think his manager could have forced herself to trot out a few of the trite standard phrases. Y'know, "It's been a pleasure working with you", or "Thank you for your service to the Company" or even a wish that he might prosper in his new career, now that he's been put out to pasture somewhat prematurely. (a.k.a. "let's get rid of everyone on the defined benefits pension scheme then we can shut it down.")
But, no. She turns up at our house to collect K's things, because she couldn't be arsed to come in when K cleaned out his office. Two weeks after he's left and what we got was; Company laptop, check; company Blackberry phone, check. Ditto corporate credit card, sundry documents, check, check, sign here, here and here. Bye.
Except that she didn't actually bother to say "Bye" before she was out the door.
On the whole, I think he's better out of it and I am trying to persuade him to take a couple of months off to relax.
In about 6 weeks serena_inverse and I are off to Japan for two weeks. We'd booked this 21st Birthday treat/trip of a lifetime before we knew that K was going to be made unemployed, and he has stoutly refused to let me cancel it. He says that I was always the one that wanted to travel, but while he *did* quite a lot of globe trotting on IBM's behalf, I got to stay at home and look after the kids. So now it's my turn.
Isn't he bloody marvellous?

rant ibm japan

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