Hello Weekend.

Feb 16, 2007 19:52

Life, like a concert at the Rave or most strip clubs, needs a two drink minimum. Things are just better with two alcoholic beverages in your system. Now, anything more than that, I can't guarantee ultimate satisfaction, but two drinks seems to be that magic number where you're starting to get drunk, but not intoxicated, and the world seems to drag by smoother and at a more manageable rate. Decisions are easier, life more grand, with a good buzz going. Unfortunately, two drinks almost always inspires another...and another, and another, and another, etc. But despite this, I feel that the goood ol'e weed arguement, "that the world would be a better place if everyone..." works well with the two drink minimum. People would just be happier, more blunt, and probably more free spirited, if it means anything. Although, that means everyone would be driving drunk, all of the time, like busdrivers and pilots and garbage trucks and Sofiya. I have a co-worker who nearly got killed on Super Bowl Sunday by a drunk driver. A sixty year old grandmother lost a foot and her four year old granddaughter is either dead or a vegetable. Still, I like the thought, people would probably get used to it anyway (which means they would just drink more beer).

We have this thing at my job called "Beer Thirty" which happens every Friday and involves one dollar beers (good beers too, there is, of course, the obligatory MGD and such, but mostly Goose Islands, Becks, etc.) that the scientists put on because, honestly, who doesn't want a beer after a long work week?

So, after my work week, I get in my car to head home. The radio, which is my only choice: no CD player, no tape deck is set to the classical station, which is just about the only thing that I can stand listening to early in the morning, driving to work, except for maybe the Greatful Dead (whom no radio station in the history of the world has ever played at seven in the morning for forty-five minutes straight), is playing their triannual pledge drive and I immediately change the station to the next preset: Q101.

Now, in the following minutes, Q101 goes onto completely redeem themselves for years of shitty trendy horseshit. When I switched channels I heard this funky, industrial sounding music---it was familiar, yet definitely new. This shit was definitely new; I hadn't heard it before. Eventually this weird noise-funk song ends and the DJ explains that this was new nine inch nails song "My Violent Heart:" "awesome," i thought, but then he got nearly serious and slowly says: "But their record label and us broke up and I don't think we're ever going to speak again because we play this song" and then went on to play Interscope's 'official' single "Surivalist." Apparently, Trent Reznor 'leaked' "My Violent Heart" early, months before the scheduled release of their single, so Q101 played it.

It's so dramatic and godawful stupid: I love it.
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