Editing is Akin to Writing...

Mar 13, 2011 11:52

Excerpt from Chapter 1: I chuckled when I read this. It's at a pretty important and very serious moment. 
“I have dealt with this, Bailey Bluntedge.” She shot him a look so fierce that he actually lifted his axe to deflect it.

I use too many ellipses, I fear.
Alas, I started edits today. I also started a journal (not this one) of my edits. Back when Kzarim was my primary focus and before I forgot all about it, probably for something as stupid as WORK, I would write, edit, re-edit and make so many changes that I lost track. Who knows, this might have contributed to me abandoning Kzarim. So, I started a log of what I do. I'll post some of it here. To show my vast army of followers my process. I've said it before, but the creative process is pretty fucking dull. And by "pretty fucking dull" I mean completely and utterly boring.

I'll finish editing chapter 2 today, at LEAST. I'll do it now and try to find time to finish editing the entire thing today. Because I have to finish this bitch soon. Authonomy waits! I got my profile all set up and everything! Exclaim!

1) March 13th 
....a) To rehash what I’ve done over the last few days?.......i) I read chapters 1-2. I had a difficult time reading it without editing. So I grabbed a red pen and made some minor changes. I will have to eventually make some sweeping changes, with particular attention to continuity and tense. I only noticed a few very minor mistakes, but this may be indicative of larger or, perhaps I should say, more pervasive mistakes.
.......ii) I did not read and/or edit the prologue, as it has been worked and reworked many times. I will, no doubt come back to it. But for now I am eager to start writing again.
.......iii) I opened up my manuscript, both in MS Word and the binder to my left (with notes in red). So let’s begin.
.......iv) I removed the line numbers. I don’t know why I put them in the first place. They are stupid and change every time I make any sort of edit. I may put them back eventually, but for now they are gone.

cilane, denny, excerpt, kzarim, bailey bluntedge, writing, editing

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