Dec 16, 2005 19:39
It's not Christmas until you have a nice, hot grande Peppermint Mocha from Starbucks at 6:15 am. What a way to start off the morning.
If only the end of the day would have been as enjoyable as the beginning...but that's another topic for another day.
Are you in the holiday spirit yet? The sad thing is that I'm not. Christmas is supposed to be my most joyous season of the year. But next week is Christmas and I haven't been able to soak in as much of the Christmas spirit as I would like. This year I have so much more going on compared to last year- Alex's physical therapy session (3xs a week), taking Alex to urgent care this past weds (he's had a hard time adujsting to the cold weather so he's been sick alot, plus we've got a high pollution warning, he might have asthma too) work, currently looking for a new job, applying for school and the junk that goes along w/ that whole stressful process, dealing w/ Michael's endless b.s., and I get to look forward to deal w/ that all over again every effin week. So I'm bummed I haven't been able to acknowledge Christmas a whole lot. And I'm going to be even more bummed because I know next week is going to approach quickly, and just as quickly its going to be gone, then it's going to be yet another year until Christmas comes again.