Азохенвей в Нью Йорке.

Jan 09, 2024 19:42

В нью йорке под синагогой обнаружили недекларированные туннели,
вытащили оттуда матрас в крови  и детское кресло для младенца.
Жиды сопротивлялись и нападали на бригаду- десятерых увезли в наручниках.

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New York synagogue tunnels incident

Secret tunnel in New York synagogue leads to brawl between police and worshippers

On Monday afternoon, police made 10 arrests after clashing with a group of men in the Chabad-Lubavitch World Headquarters, 770 Eastern Parkway in the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn, that was reportedly trying to prevent an unauthorized tunnel linked to the building from being filled in.
A New York Police Department (NYPD) spokesperson told Newsweek that "a group of individuals unlawfully entered" the building by damaging a wall, with the Chabad-Lubavitch Headquarters condemning the "odious actions" and pledging an investigation.
Footage initially posted on TikTok by user Shita Hakdosha showed a number of men tearing paneling from a wall in the complex, with a smaller group in what appears to be the hidden tunnel behind the wall. At one point, a noticeably stained rectangular object, which appeared to be a mattress, was removed either from the tunnel or from the area around its entrance where the paneling had been torn down.

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Nine charged in brawl over attempt to close secret tunnel at NYC synagogue


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