Списочек литературы

Dec 25, 2023 15:21

There are some excellent memoirs from the Georgian and Victorian eras that provide first-hand accounts of daily life:
Memoirs of Emma Courtney by Mary Hays - An unconventional woman's account of friendships, affairs, and social expectations in the late 1700s.
The Autobiography of Elizabeth Davis - A domestic servant's recollections of her life in service in early 19th century England.
The Autobiography of William Stout - A vivid portrait of society and industry in Lancaster in the 1700s.
Memoirs of William Hickey - The memoir of a Georgian-era lawyer and socialite, depicting high society.
The Diary of Rural England by William Holland - A recollection of rural occupations and pastimes in the early 1800s.
Memoirs of Benjamin Robert Haydon - Insight into the life of a historical painter in the early 1800s.
My Secret Life by Anonymous - A controversial explicit memoir of Victorian sexuality and hidden behaviors.
The Diary of Lady Frederick Cavendish - An aristocrat's memoir of society in late 1800s England.

There are some fascinating travel diaries and journals from English tourists and explorers of the Georgian and Victorian periods. Here are a few good options:
The Italian Journeys of William Hazlitt - His account of traveling across Italy in the early 19th century.
The Diary of Fanny Chapman - Her writings documenting her honeymoon trip through Europe in the 1830s.
A Female Rambler by Mary Russell Mitford - The author's travel chronicles around England in the 1830s.
Narrative of a Journey from Lima to Para by Francis de Laporte de Castelnau - His expedition through South America during the Victorian era.
The Journey of Richard Critchfield Joad - His observations while traveling through England in the late 1700s.
Forty Days in the Desert on the Track of the Israelites by William Henry Bartlett - Bartlett's account of traveling through the Middle East in the 1840s.
The Arctic Journals of John Rae - Rae's diaries on his expeditions in northern Canada and the Arctic in the 1840s-50s.
Letters from India by Eliza Fay - Her writings on India during the late 1700s.
These provide interesting perspectives on what travel was like for English explorers and tourists during that era. Let me know if you need any other recommendations of Georgian/Victorian travel memoirs!

There are some good options for travel diaries and journals written by English tourists visiting Germany, Poland and Russia during the Georgian and Victorian eras:
A Residence in France During the Years 1792, 1793, 1794 and 1795 by John Moore - Includes his observations of Germany as he traveled across it.
Travels Through Germany by Johann Gottfried Seume - An English translation of a German's travels in early 19th century Germany.
Narrative of a Journey to the Shores of the Polar Sea in the Years 1819-20-21 and 22 by John Franklin - Includes his trip to northern Germany and Poland.
Excursions in the North of Europe by John Barrow - His accounts of Prussia, Poland and Scandinavia in the early 1800s.
On Horseback through Asia Minor by Fred Burnaby - Depicts his Victorian era travels through eastern Germany and Poland into Russia.
A Visit to Poland by George Forster - His impressions while traveling through Poland in 1784.
Russia Observed by Samuel Collins - Atrip through northwestern Russia in the early 1800s.
A Journey into Russia by Gottlieb Schoberl - His 1834 travels to St. Petersburg and western Russia.


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