That is pretty insane. I don't really get to see the PICC lines before they're in people. They aren't so scary when all you see is the little cath tube. How long are they planning on leaving that in you?!
And did all of your spinal stuff come back negative for meningitis?
This whole thing just keeps getting crazier. I don't even know what to say anymore. I hope this isn't as bad as the spinal tap.
Where do they usually install the PIC lines? I was worried shes thinking of doing the creepy neck valve one. And do they do that in a hospital or does a nurse do it? I'm worried cause the tube seems way longer than a mid line and I've got way small veins.
The tap came back negative for meningitis and ms and some other stuff and just said its 100% lyme, which I suspected because the more time passes the more I seem to be getting EVERY symptom of lyme ever. Its cognitive and brain things now like some muscle control, vision problems, thinking problems, comprehension problems, in addition to all the other weird shit. If it was just joint pain that wouldn't be so scary but its not anymore and it freaks me out. Its becoming ridiculously crazy! Lauren said she had all this in the first year of shit being crazy too and she seems like she bounced back for the most part.
I hate how it effects my brain and makes me write like a mongoloid.
I'm pretty sure the neck valve ones are most for chemo. I have a dialysis patient on my unit who has a PICC line going through her arm. She lost a TON of weight after having it inserted and you can see it bulging through her arm now. If they're doing a true PICC line, they're going to go through your arm. If they can't use your arms for some reason, they may put in a catheter or central line somewhere else, but that's only if they can't use your arms.
And I write like a mongoloid without Lyme eating my brain, just saying.
Really? Ok, I feel slightly better. They want to put it in at the hospital so I was thinking how extensive is this gonna be!? How long was the dialysis patient on it for? I'm only supposed to be on it for 30 days. That's probably not what made her lose weight and its awful for me to admit this but my first thought when you mentioned that was OH SHIT, I HOPE IT MAKES ME LOSE WEIGHT TOO!!! Its kind of awful but that's what I think about and wish for more. Not that my limbs'll get better or that my cognitive problems improve but I wish most of all that I'll stop being this size.
I think they have to do it at the hospital just for sterility. Most of the nurses/doctors who work in offices don't do these things regularly. My mom has been a nurse for almost fifteen years and she's only done a handful of IVs since she graduated from nursing school. You're better off at the hospital with a nurse who does it on a daily basis. I won't even let my office do blood draws. Those nurses just don't do it often enough to deal with my horrible veins.
I'm seriously considering starting Paxil or Wellbutrin because they cause weight loss. Is that wrong?
Do they put you out to do it or do anything to numb it? The mid line hurt a LOT and so I'm scared.
My mom actually gained a good deal of weight from Paxil and never was able to shed it. Shes still on it though so I dunno if that has anything to do with it but you'd think after a couple of years your body would get the fuck used to it! And Wellbutrins quite honestly the most evil drug I've ever seen. Don't ever ever ever go on it. Everyone I know who took it got crazy suicidal level depressed. They put me on it for seizures! During the first seizure problems and it made me feel like dying every time I took it. I can't exactly explain it but it just made me feel really sickly and with this vague sense of something is seriously wrong here. And then that shit gave me a fucking seizure and I stopped. But I seriously would never advise anyone to go near it, from personal experience and other anecdotal, I'd never fucking even try it.
You are crushing all of my dreams about antidepressant misuse! My mom suggested Topamax. I'm a big neurotic nutbag anyway, so that's even better! I've got the depression in check, for the most part, but I still have anxiety issues.
I'm pretty sure they would at least give you a local anesthetic. I can't imagine they'd shove a tube in your arm and not give you anything. They have to suture it in place too! You need SOME kind of drug. I'd ask them if you can take a sedative before, it make make it more tolerable.
And did all of your spinal stuff come back negative for meningitis?
This whole thing just keeps getting crazier. I don't even know what to say anymore. I hope this isn't as bad as the spinal tap.
The tap came back negative for meningitis and ms and some other stuff and just said its 100% lyme, which I suspected because the more time passes the more I seem to be getting EVERY symptom of lyme ever. Its cognitive and brain things now like some muscle control, vision problems, thinking problems, comprehension problems, in addition to all the other weird shit. If it was just joint pain that wouldn't be so scary but its not anymore and it freaks me out. Its becoming ridiculously crazy! Lauren said she had all this in the first year of shit being crazy too and she seems like she bounced back for the most part.
I hate how it effects my brain and makes me write like a mongoloid.
And I write like a mongoloid without Lyme eating my brain, just saying.
How long was the dialysis patient on it for? I'm only supposed to be on it for 30 days.
That's probably not what made her lose weight and its awful for me to admit this but my first thought when you mentioned that was OH SHIT, I HOPE IT MAKES ME LOSE WEIGHT TOO!!! Its kind of awful but that's what I think about and wish for more. Not that my limbs'll get better or that my cognitive problems improve but I wish most of all that I'll stop being this size.
I'm seriously considering starting Paxil or Wellbutrin because they cause weight loss. Is that wrong?
My mom actually gained a good deal of weight from Paxil and never was able to shed it. Shes still on it though so I dunno if that has anything to do with it but you'd think after a couple of years your body would get the fuck used to it! And Wellbutrins quite honestly the most evil drug I've ever seen. Don't ever ever ever go on it. Everyone I know who took it got crazy suicidal level depressed. They put me on it for seizures! During the first seizure problems and it made me feel like dying every time I took it. I can't exactly explain it but it just made me feel really sickly and with this vague sense of something is seriously wrong here. And then that shit gave me a fucking seizure and I stopped. But I seriously would never advise anyone to go near it, from personal experience and other anecdotal, I'd never fucking even try it.
I'm pretty sure they would at least give you a local anesthetic. I can't imagine they'd shove a tube in your arm and not give you anything. They have to suture it in place too! You need SOME kind of drug. I'd ask them if you can take a sedative before, it make make it more tolerable.
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