Aug 07, 2005 15:09
It's been over a week since I last wrote, and so much has happened. I only have 20 minutes to write, so we'll see how far we get. In order to simplify it, I'll go day by day.
Last Saturday, I paid the government of Honduras to get an extension since they had only given me permission to stay in the country for 30 days, and my ticket to leave isn't until the 19th. In the afternoon, I talked to 3 of my friends, Gaby, Marcela, and Dilcia, by phone. Nicole had friends over studying for exams. I pasted some of the labels on the coffee bags while I was talking on the phone. Mami and Papi came home late, and Papi took me to the Metroplaza mall to meet with Marcela and Gaby. I saw them and we talked for a while there. I also got to meet Katia, Marcela's baby girl who's now almost 9 months old. We went to Marcela's house and ate. Marcela has a food and clothing business with her husband, so we ate some of the food that they prepare. I enjoyed playing with Katia- a sweet, quiet baby girl. Papi came and picked me up later and I went home. Merlin came over and talked with Bessy and I for a while, and then we packed and went to bed.
On Sunday, we woke up early and got ready to leave for Lepaera. Mami had a bad toothache, so we got some medications for her and left. I wore a long-sleeved shirt and a hat while I rode in the bed of the truck with Bessy and Nicole. Unfortunately, it didn't cover my neck, so I did get burnt on my neck area, but thank God, only there! This time, we went through Santa Barbara, which is a bumpier, quicker, and more direct way to Abuelo's house. It is also more breathtakingly beutiful. The mountains are so high and gorgeous, a work that only the great God, the creator of the universe and all that is beautiful, could do. We stopped quickly in Jagua (on the way to Abuelo's house) and saw Wendy (my cousin) and Giovani (her husband) and arrived at Abuelo's house in the afternoon, and saw many of the family there, especially Abuelo, Rosita (his wife), Flor (Rosita's sister), Tia Lupe, Emilia (her new baby who was born in early March), Marco, and Rolandito (her two sons), Chaias (my "uncle"), Dora, and their daughter Stefany, Tia Sabina, Tio Oscar, Oscarito (Oscar's grandson, Wendy's son), Tia Bessy, Aida (another "aunt"), and many more people. We broke a pinata in the afternoon and ate cake to celebrate Abuelo's birthday, which was last Saturday. Later on, I decided to take a picture with the mountains in the background. I was planning on doing it near the house, but Bessy said it was prettier further down, so we took it down there. Then, we went on a short hike to see a little waterfall. Then, we were gonna go back up to the house, but decided to go on a little more of a hike, that was supposed to bring us back to the house within 20 minutes, and allow us to see more of the property. We passed some houses and continued on the small path, when Bessy said that we should've come to the road that leads to the house, so we started hiking straight up the mountain (no path). So, as I was worn out and hiking, it began to rain. I covered the camera to hopefully keep it from meeting the fate of many of Amy's cameras (death). And so, we finally came to the road and the gate, and walked (or skated is probably a better word, considering the mud/poop mixture and that I couldn't lift my feet) back to the house. We arrived safe, sound, and drenched.
Later on in the evening, we sat out to look at the stars. We laid down on a mattress in the back of the pickup, and just looked at the stars. I don't think I've actually seen with my eyes as many stars as I see up there at the mountain. Wow... it really made me contemplate how small I am and how big, awesome, and powerful God is! Everything that I'm sure of will pass away, and the things I wish I was more sure of are the only things that will remain.
Monday, we woke up, and Mami had a lot of pain in her teeth (we later found out that she has an infection in the roots of her teeth). We drove home, with me going with Mami, Papi, and the bags of coffee beans, and Bessy and Nicole going to Santa Rosa to ride a bus home. We got home first, but unfortunately the rooms were locked and Bessy had the key. They came home late.
Tuesday, I started to give classes about the Bible at the school. In the afternoon/evening, I helped Merlin and Leonel clean their house and gave Merlin classes of English so he can learn.
Wednesday, I gave classes of English. In the evening, I met online with Nathan.
Thursday, I gave both classes of English and Bible. In the evening, we had prayer group.
Friday, I woke up and could barely talk, so didn't go to work, but slept at home and Mami gave me soup and everything (Gatorade) so that I would get better.
Saturday, the highlight was that in the afternoon Bessy, Merlin, and I went to the basketball courts at La Cosecha and played futbolito (mini-soccer) and basketball. We won the soccer game like 16-8, with Bessy and I as defense and Merlin with another little boy as the forwards (who shot all the goals). In the evening, we went to a bonfire near the church. Hermana Carmen preached about the story of Mary and Martha when Martha is busy doing all of the chores, then complained to Jesus about Mary. It was a very good sermon, and I thank God that He spoke to me through her that night.
Sunday, I had a high fever in the morning and hung out around the house all day, relaxing and trying to take it easy. I worked on the album with Bessy some. I still met online with Nathan in the afternoon, even though I was sick.
Monday, I went to the school to help out with exams in the morning and in the afternoon, did some sweeping, but for the most part just relaxed. I bought some amoxicilin to help fight the infection (moving down to the lungs).
Tuesday, I helped out with exams. In the afternoon, I wrote the Bible exams for all grades. Tia Bessy and Tia Aracely came to the house in the afternoon and the sisters from church came over for a while. There was quite a commotion for a while, because Nicole's friends from school were there studying as well! I went to Merlin and Leonel's house and gave Merlin English classes. I think we watched the Brazilian telenovela Chocolate con Pimienta (with Pepper) in the evening.
Wednesday, they operated on Tia Aracely (problems with the kidneys, so please keep her in your prayers). I helped out around the house in the morning, and did more work on the album. In the evening, I gave Merlin classes again and hung out with them for a while. I called home to wish Mom and Dad a Happy 31st Anniversary! I also met online with Nathan. I got to talk with Melissa as well.
Thursday, I gave the exam in the morning (bad grades :( ). In the evening, we had prayer group and it went well. Bessy, Merlin, and I talked for a while. I called home and talked to Mom and Amy for a while in the morning.
Friday, I helped at the school. In the afternoon, I went to the Centro with Leonel and he bought some jeans for his birthday. We also went to Almacenes Handal to try to find a shirt, but there weren't any that he liked. We ate a cone from Mc Donalds and took home food to eat there. I went later on with my cousins Yeisel and Hector (Edmundo) to a youth group bible study and had a very good time there. Hector shared about Intercession, about how we need to have a pure heart, ask for the Holy Spirit to help us as we intercede for others, etc. I came home and hung out with Bessy and Merlin then went to bed. oh, and I took a photo of a cow wandering the streets today!
Today, I went to the Centro with Leonel, withdrew money from my credit card, helped him buy shirts, bought him a belt for a birthday present, and then ate near the Cathedral. I will be able to leave on Friday, Lord willing, since I have money now to pay for it! I hung out with Merlin in the afternoon, and came here to the Internet Cafe in the evening.
God, thank you for your continuous blessings and grace every day. Forgive me for my sins against you and others, and continue to pour out your grace and love to me every day... without you, I can do nothing. May you be glorified and exalted in my life! Te amo..... (hb) Angela