I wonder why they don’t have
one of these in Sydney. (Although I do recall them being a bit naff!)
We went for the prestige schnitzels last night.
Suprisingly easier to put away than last time. Highly commendables to Terrance for a record time and Faleepah for push-on effort. Amelia will have to try harder next time! It felt a bit SATC (with a touch of Charlie’s Angels!) with the 4 of us sitting at an eatery gossiping and laughing! It was also nice of Amelia’s HotPants to come join us after at the Green Park for a bevvy.
I am butros butros keen on the notion of Luna Park and picnics when someone turns up the heating in this town! So are we hat partying next weekend?
I'm thinking of investing in some headphones (as another 'pat on the back' to myself). Have been looking at the
Sennheiser PXC series for a while now (or PX100/200). They even make them in white to match my Poad :-D
The specs don't really mean much to me because me no comprende.
Does anyone have any other suggestions?
Mahooosive weekend on the cards.
Welcome on board for the ride Mr
Loving Thoughts and Lusty Desires
(Haha, I stole that off Chad)