Dec 08, 2006 19:08
Indigo pink colonic healthy corn flight from Atlantic to Pacifier, and all lands in between where flamingos prance and frollock amid the trees and lillies and
What soft through yonder winder breaks? Tis the East, and my ass is the sun! Soft ass, vice hard ass, easy, going down highway 40 in my big old pick up truck with a flock of rabid ravens swarming murderously about (haha, murder of crows!) in your FACE and I saw the light of other days in the eyes of the future, sprawling before me and inside me, to all as a wisp of nothing but everything for me and mine is all
green wings on a black bird, feathers huge and trailing miles behind, olympian of scope, feathers touching the sun they trail away to, the pink and purple sky sillouetting Graezma the Maximus, patriarch of Pooran Peoples of the sky! Horay for Poorans! when a tree looks up at the sky and sees a pooran, it thinks "hey, that's a pooran" and goes back to sleep, but when a man is born, I am urinating on that little girl. snappy, trappy, filled with filling, like a tooth with a cavity that's full of filling and filled to overflowing with filling filling, filling filling,,, fill, etc. i don't know where I was going with this, but a toy car comes to mind, and a radio controlled airplane
and wooden fuselages, and hedges, and bruce willis, who we all know dies harder than most. whomans are bull like creatures, minds of trappiness with runoff in the streams of consciousness, what is it, where is it from, what is it going, i know it's going to the fair, with clowns and seals on beach balls juggling trout with their nose (communal) and dying for the joy of the masses, deading them to the horrors of life and death, trivializing war and making suicide a transaction
zippos are cool
little caesars, how insulting, commercializing such a great man as augustus, but alas, the once emperor of the world now serves cheap pizza in our carbon copy world of make non-believe and hypocratic oaths, hypocritic, where's my shower, I know I had it with me somewhere, maybe it's in my other pants after all i'll go check