June 16, 2007 - I wake up, consume 1 vitae (I mean energy drink), time to start my day
- Normal saturday, needed stuff... went to costco.
- Botched the shopping roll
Details of Scene as follows:
Got a front parking space, life was good....
Noticed a latina chick getting beat up in the parking lot, it's about noon, it's busy, no one notices.... (So it's one of those encounters, eh ? Crappy ST.... )
Get that resolved, lose about 2 transfers, refreshed will power (fullfilling virtue)
scene ends
June 23, 2007 - Woke up, had a normal day, rolled decent int + comp checks
- Went bowling with friends (note to self aimee's character stole the score sheet, must intercept before she shows friends my scores.... )
- went back to friend's house and spent a scene making man + charisma rolls
- Scene ends and aimee's character decides to leave with my character, my stamina check is kinda going down hill, I know I'll need caffiene
- botched driving check (man this ST is an asshole with these scenes)
Scene commences as follows:'
- noticed a couple of girls, teenages, in the middle of the road, watching what appeared to be a party.
- upon further inspection noticed their faces were worried... pulled up and asked them if they were ok.... At this point a fight is witnessed between two vehicles in the direction of the "party"
- get the story from the girls while witnessing a latin male (6 footish) being summarily beat by 2 men (str ~3-4, brawl 4ish)
- call the cops and started the documentation proceedure
- guy getting beat is now collapsed on the street and bleeding...
- curse myself while aimee's character is on the phone with 911 and proceed to go to render aid, asailents have mostly left
- 911 shows up, neighboors now come out.... knocked out guy is on the sitting bleeding quite alot, girls (bout 6ish) pretty histerical, 1 guy preventing me from giving aid
- 911 takes control of scene, I provide information to various npcs and attempt to comfort 1 npc....
- stamina check with adrenal modifer (exceptional success) drive home with no issues
Scene ends
Man, never tell your fricken life ST you're bored... these scenes ... yeah.... wow...
Ok, you want to hear the story without it sounding like a narrator write up of a role playing scene ?
Go to
wynterroses She'lll be posting a better write up of our weekly adventures as metroplex super heroes...