Feb 01, 2008 14:07
From my Facebook
By Alger Alama
Details: You lived in Manila, Philippines selling Coca Cola in plastic bags. We would beat anyone with our slippers if they tried to steal our bottles..
You worked at The Du Croix Plantation before the Civil War. We got out of work by saying "ching chong ching chong" and were then shipped to San Francisco to make the railroads. ROAD TRIP!! .
You were members of PETA. Like many other people Michelle thought it was a group created bc people were fans of flat bread. Boy was she wrong..
You took Telekenis 401. We were told to concentrate on an object and try to move it with our minds. Michelle was kicked out of class when she concentrated too hard and farted really loud..
You attended S.L.A. was the program we joined. Michelle thought it was the same as our High School program but it turned out to be Super Lesbians Association. Michelle left. I stayed.....for a little..
You went to preschool with Alger.
You traveled to Tehran, Iran. We went looking for Weapons of Mass Destruction, but found terrible B.O. That was it. Michelle liked the womens' ninja costumes though. together.
You met randomly: I saw her selling Churos at Westminster Mall. I went to buy one and she threw it on the floor because I didn't tip her. She's mean. :( .
You went out once in 1978 but now aren't speaking.
So how did YOU meet me?
xoxo, m