Apr 21, 2004 23:40
hello =)
okay im going to try and say everything i wrote yesterday as fast as i possibly can..
this weekend was pretty good.. went to the sisters tball practice on friday-acted like a big kid.. yep that includes going down the slide, on the swings, sliding down "the pole", and of course that lil bridge that u can jump on and it swings back and forth.. oh man just remembering my youth haha.. stef always goes with me too, since her brother is on the team as well. straight after that me, stef, mish, and nic went to go see a movie.. we were gunna go see "the punisher" but got there too late, so instead we went to go see "jersey girl".. it was that bad except the ending was kinda.. boring. one of those "ya just hadda be there" kinda moments happened.. ben affleck was having a touching scene with his daughter and everybody was gettin emotional over it. i mean the people in front, next to, and behind me were crying?! .. well when ben goes "i wish i was the one who died instead of your mother" these teen girls *gasped* really loud and for some weird reason we all thought that was so funny and w/o looking out each other or nething just burst out laughing at the same time.. it was very amusing.. so after the movie we went to b&n and from the moment we walked in the buzzer thing just kept beeping.. i thought it was me? but nooo .. it was that klepto stefania! haha jk but yeah she was beeping so to prove it wasnt her *bling bling* she pretty much stripped in the aisle (taught her everything i know) .. she gave me her purse, chains, watch, jacket, everything.. she still beeped. hMm .. weird. then we went to listen to some music and mish n nics friends (chris and gerard) were there.. mish was just like "hey dont i know you?" and the kid was like "yeah i wonder from where?" .. ha me being a dumbass thought they really didnt know each other haha but anyways .. they told me i looked like a drug dealer from nutley named sue* .. great! just the look i was always going for, * the sexyy drug dealer * oh yeahh.. supposedly that is a huge compliment cause shes very pretty or something, but idk? haha
okay saturday woke up at like 8:30; felt like crap, went back to bed at 10:30.. didnt get to teach dance =[ but its okay..
monday back to dance class.. oh boy! too long of a story to go into now so w/e its cool .. it actually wasnt that bad.. i def need to start stretching again though.. i kinda stopped after grease, but now i needa get back into my splits so i better start stretching again soon! =/
tuesday went to nicoles tball practice (again) .. it was cool.. made friends with all the lil kids there, of course- kids are the coolest! .. even saw marissa there =]
there were these kids doin bmx tricks there, too ;)
that brings me to today.. i have a bunch of tests this week cause were finally gonna be off for spring break! me and my sister were kinda teasing/arguing today and she completely broke my nail.. and let me tell you that hurts like a bitchhhhh! .. tara's coming over tomorrow.. should be fun =]
oh yes my last comment b4 i leave.. today we were all talking in chorus ( i couldnt sing caz for some reason my voice is like completely gone, i cant even talk =X ) anyways so ben was sayin how dennis is cute and then said gonzalo is okay too and looked at me .. then out of no where yells "hey gonzalo i got your girl right here" and points down to me .. AHHHHH ! that was really bad haha really embarrassing lol i was so mortified i couldnt look up for the rest of the class period haha .. true i never saw his facial expression after ben said that, but it prob wasnt something good haha okay well i should be off going to bed now .. im tired and i still need to finish studying for my biology test, even though no matter how hard i study i ALWAYS get a 67 on everything =[ GRR!
but i shall leave you with this...
MikeysBigSis722 [8:24 PM]: hey toots
MikeysBigSis722 [8:24 PM]: =P
MikeysBigSis722 [8:25 PM]: hey mishie of the sea, would you like to touch my penis??
MikeysBigSis722 [8:29 PM]:
under the sheets
darling its better
down where its wetter
take it from meeeee =P
oh yeah that was a hot convo right thurr <33
- mishieee