Chances Are (Buffy/Dean)

Mar 17, 2011 17:10

Chances Are 

This is how I imagine Buffy and Dean meeting for the very first time. The Winchester brothers out on a hunt in the middle of the night in a graveyard, unknown to them that a woman named Buffy, the slayer and chosen one is also out that night and looking for her vampire prey. Chances are they just happen to meet with Buffy nearly staking Dean in the process.

The image I used for Buffy is from a comic book cover, so I tried my very hardest to match Dean's image to the same comic book drawn style.

dafont, deviantArt, goggle, pretty as a picture, Blakravell, WACOM Tablet, Adobe Photoshop 7.0

wallpaper, btvs/spn, crossover, buffy/dean

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