- 3rd prime number
- Fermat prime
- The 5th Fibonacci number
- Basis for the Abel-Ruffini theorem
- the number of Platonic solids
- the pentagon
- Binary: 101
- Ternary: 12
- The only prime to end in 5
- Quaternary: 11
- Pentagrams proving continued fraction expansion
- Quinary: 10
- Roman Numeral: V
- The golden ratio
- 5-fold symmetry
- Dodecahedrons
- Pariacoto Virus: contains a dodecahedron of RNA
- Almost all amphibians, reptilies, mammals that have fingers/toes have five on each extremity
- Atomic number of Boron
- Number of oceans in the world
- Number of human senses
- Lightest atomic mass for which no stable isotopes exist for any element
- Appendages on a Starish (pentamerism)
- Number of basic tastes
- Quasicrystals (approx 5-fold symmetry)
- Most destructive Hurricanes/Tornadoes (Saffir-Simpson/Fujita)
- Fool's Gold
- Perfect fifth: most consonant harmony, basis for most tuning systems
- The staff in musical notation has this many horizontal lines
- Vices and Virtues of Sikhism
- "pleading the fifth"
- "Pillars of Islam"
- Books of the Torah
- Leos in Astrology
- Rivers of Hades
- Islamic tile design
- Shakespeare
- Quintessence
- Quincunx
- Stages of Grief
- The Olympic Symbol
- Virtues of traditional Japanese society
But what does 5 mean to me?