Moscow turmoil

Dec 15, 2010 23:19

You know I've read some opinions of all kinds of "home-educated" political analysts. And those of "university degree" holders. It mostly goes like this: the opposition supporters(does opposition still exist in Russia?) scream "Kremlin had it coming".
Government supporters say "it was predictive and it's time someone took some action.
Well I've read the opinions and the impression is...
I mean, FUCK, don't you see? All this was merely produced and staged by the Kremlin. Why? It's simple, Watson. If there will be turmoil in the center of the nation, as Russians see Moscow, than an action will be required and demanded. Action-means more oppression. Only this time people will voluntarily and gratefully accept it or even ask for it.
That means strengthening of Putins regim. Classical scenario, explained, by the way, by George Luckas in his Star Wars-episodes 2 and 3.
It's not Kremlin's miscarriage! It's Palpatin-Putin, who had once again outplayed everybody.
This man and everything he stands for disgusts me, but, hell, I applaud to his ability to turn everything into his favor and only grow stronger. Way to go!
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