(no subject)

Jun 04, 2010 22:25

There are days where all it ever feels that I do is whinge.

Hi, this is the fihmouse herself,  Mishka, not at her best but able to drag herself to this corner of the universe pretty much since the last time I've posted.
I should catch you guys up a bit on some of the bigger stuff I've done and try to hold onto my new found resolve to post more. If you've been visiting my bff's lj then you allready know a few things. If not then yes, I still exist. If you don't see me here, assume that I'm in a deprssive slump somewhere, hopefully being hugged till things feel better.

Times have been low but fast. Been making the hangs with SCA people & a very snuggly Kiwi by the name of Alex. Dude snuggles like crazy! It's quite a lovely thing really. I've managed to make friday night drinks with my fellow nerd-bros like a normal human, crash Sparta, sing & dance. I've baked crack & fudge brownies of sheer awesome, and one giant rice boob. Delicous.
I've also managed to be hit on by skeezy dudes but they've taken the hint & are leaving me alone. Yay!

In exciting developments, I believe that I may finally have mustered up the required courage to ask out this guy I've a bit of a crush on. Due to the fact that I'm pretty sure his housemate lurks this part of the internet I'm not using names... yet. Not untill I've had the words leave my mouth.

Seen some theater, been to some films, spent the rest of the time feeling tired & isolated. Thankyou brain chemistry. I've things planned for the weekend - a gig with Alex tomorrow, go to Rin's to play with ropes all sunday then off to Chatswood to see Prince of Perisa with some geeks & mr crush. J

Can someone remind me to keep working on my Dr Horrible coat so I can show my face at Supanova? Thanks. I plan on being awesome for it. Better buy the boots & buttons then!

Farewell for now, it's cold & I require more snuggles. Or gloves. Or yarn. Or pattern. Actually, all of the above!

~ mishka

pendulum, exciting un times, hugs, baking

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