mish twitters

Mar 20, 2009 23:01

  • 12:00 @ supermegaturbo Yes, you should follow those thoughts. Let me know how it goes. I'm too chicken to experiment with linux on my laptop atm. #
  • 12:23 @ supermegaturbo Try reverse psychology. Clearly telling creeps/spamrs to gtfo hasn't worked. #
  • 12:28 @ supermegaturbo My twitter life is sooo boring - no free stuff offers for me. Free yarn/needle offers would be tempting. #
  • 12:29 @ supermegaturbo Enjoy lunch & say 'hi' for me. I'll be having lunch on my lonesome :( #
  • 13:56 Dear world - please kindly quit right not using my work as a babysitting service. argh! #
  • 16:25 @ greggrunberg She's a trashy pork sausague in a bad wig - some people are transfixed by such things. *eugh* Does not want. #
  • 16:26 @ greggrunberg Depressingly, my bellydance teacher use to have 'pokerface' & 'just dance' as warm up music. Have convinced her to stop now. #
  • 16:39 Evening / weekend sorted! Time machine still hasn't arrived, pissed at manufacturers. Will eat delicious food & see lovely films instead. #
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