Jan 09, 2009 23:10
- 00:36 @ supermegaturbo If I call the glasses place early & they're in, would you be able to pick them up on the way through? Otherwise... #
- 00:37 @ fishmouse I'll try and get them sent up here for collection. I can promise Easyway & hugs. #
- 16:19 Eastern Creek? WTF? Please have good public transport. I am going to be beyond dead come work on monday. #
- 16:47 Great - nearerst train station is 10km away. Please please please let there be event buses to & from otherwise I'm screwed. #
- 17:14 @ nabii Your offer is very tempting & I fear you're going to be inundated with requests. I hope your insides are feeling less squirmy now. #
- 17:16 Thankyou Fasterlouder -there are buses running all day to & from!! A long day but oh so doable now. I'll worry more about this later. #
- 17:58 tinyurl.com/7n45sd 200g balls! Will defenitly be knitting things using thier yarn. #
- 18:46 @ fishmouse Yup - I picked up two lovely balls of deep grape for $2. I've behaved & not ordered any yarn. The internets feeding my addiction. #
- 19:39 @ nabii Thanks - I'll remember not to sleep in. I was worried the commute was going to be like visiting my parents, 1&1/2 hours or so. #
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