My boy!

Jan 10, 2005 08:53

I can't believe he is going to be 5 years old this coming April.

Right now what's new with my boy is we had to pull him from his preschool.
The school is raising the prices again. Forget that!
Rick and I discussed what to do for our boy and we came to the dicision of home schooling C.J. Just until Kindergarden
He starts Kindergarden in September and would of had 5 months left of learning at his preschool because the summer time is only day care.
So from Now until the end of May, I'm preparing his lessons where he left of in school.

We talked to C.J to see how he would feel leaving his little school and his friends, but he's funny he just said, "can I go to a new school?
We talk to him about hanging out with daddy and daddy teaching him school. C.J's said "Ok" sure." (he wasn't too broken up about his preschool)lol

He loves being with daddy right now. I prepare the lessons and Rick teaches him.
It's only for 5 months and I am not the home schooling type because the whole social skill is very important for developement. But C.J has been going to preschool since he was 2. I think he'll be find. Things are still being worked on, but it has been working out so far.
It's going to be a little crazy for Rick with Wynter and C.j, but we have to do what we have to do for us to survive and pay the bills.

Sometimes taking a step back or changing a routine of what's normal can be a good thing!
Right now in our case... it is.
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