What: The Late Great Snow in July Caper! Who: Aang & Orihime When: Saturday, in the hottest hot part of July Where: Outside the cafeteria/eventually the football field Rating: PG Open/Closed To: Orihime & Aang
Orihime gave up on her self recriminations when her partner-in-...not crime, really! began laughing, dissolving into giggles herself. "Well, we could be sneaky like ninjas, and try and borrow it that way! Or... we could wait till tonight, and try then!"
The girl hadn't really given thought to the idea that they might fail to obtain the object of their mission. Now, she faced the possibility of failure, at least temporarily (for they would prevail in the long run, she was sure!), and considered other fun things she could do with her new friend. If he was wearing such hot clothes in this weather, Aang probably wouldn't want to go swimming with her... But Orihime knew what to look for as signs of someone overheating, and even if she didn't seem all that savvy some of the time, she knew that anyone would be in danger of it on a day like this, let alone those wearing long sleeves and long pants. So, it was her mission to make sure they found some way of cooling down! ...If only she had a foolproof plan...
"Uhhh..." Aang didn't really care where they went, so long as it had air conditioning. Think, buddy, think!
"We could go see a movie!" he said. The local movie theater was always freezing during the summer, which sounded just about right to Aang. Except -- Isn't that like...a date? If his face hadn't been red from the heat, he would have been red from his blush.
"OR WE COULD WANDER THE HALLS AND SEE IF ANY DEMONS ARE LURKING IN THE CLASSROOMS!" he blurted out, hoping to salvage the situation.
Orihime tilted her head to the side, deep in thought, as she considered his suggestions. "Well... hunting for demons in the classrooms could be fun, but some of the buildings aren't air conditioned, and some of them are locked... We could do that a different day! Let's go to the movies!"
The redhead had absolutely no idea her choice would cause him any tribulations. She saw no problem in going to the movies with a friend; she didn't bother to divide her friends by gender, as she'd once made vastly evident by almost changing clothes in a boy's presence, if he hadn't stopped her. If she could go to the movies with Tatsuki-chan, she could go to the movies with any of her friends. What could be the problem with that?
"What did you want to see?" she inquired cheerfully. "I like all kinds of movies!"
Aang felt just about ready to pass out -- whether from the heat or embarrassment, he wasn't sure.
"Uuuh...." Think, Aang, thing! "Err..." This really isn't going well.
What was wrong with him? he wondered. Cute girl. Friendly girl. Willing to go to a movie with him. He wasn't sure if her mind was on the same wavelength as his, but still. Carpe diem and all that ancient stuff. Come on, man. Slick. Cool. Suave. He brushed down his hair, trying to be calm.
"I guess...just go to the theater and see what they've got?" he asked, wishing his voice didn't sound QUITE as high-pitched.
The girl hadn't really given thought to the idea that they might fail to obtain the object of their mission. Now, she faced the possibility of failure, at least temporarily (for they would prevail in the long run, she was sure!), and considered other fun things she could do with her new friend. If he was wearing such hot clothes in this weather, Aang probably wouldn't want to go swimming with her... But Orihime knew what to look for as signs of someone overheating, and even if she didn't seem all that savvy some of the time, she knew that anyone would be in danger of it on a day like this, let alone those wearing long sleeves and long pants. So, it was her mission to make sure they found some way of cooling down! ...If only she had a foolproof plan...
"What do you think we should do?" she asked him.
"We could go see a movie!" he said. The local movie theater was always freezing during the summer, which sounded just about right to Aang. Except -- Isn't that like...a date? If his face hadn't been red from the heat, he would have been red from his blush.
"OR WE COULD WANDER THE HALLS AND SEE IF ANY DEMONS ARE LURKING IN THE CLASSROOMS!" he blurted out, hoping to salvage the situation.
The redhead had absolutely no idea her choice would cause him any tribulations. She saw no problem in going to the movies with a friend; she didn't bother to divide her friends by gender, as she'd once made vastly evident by almost changing clothes in a boy's presence, if he hadn't stopped her. If she could go to the movies with Tatsuki-chan, she could go to the movies with any of her friends. What could be the problem with that?
"What did you want to see?" she inquired cheerfully. "I like all kinds of movies!"
"Uuuh...." Think, Aang, thing! "Err..." This really isn't going well.
What was wrong with him? he wondered. Cute girl. Friendly girl. Willing to go to a movie with him. He wasn't sure if her mind was on the same wavelength as his, but still. Carpe diem and all that ancient stuff. Come on, man. Slick. Cool. Suave. He brushed down his hair, trying to be calm.
"I guess...just go to the theater and see what they've got?" he asked, wishing his voice didn't sound QUITE as high-pitched.
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