What: Kenpachi takes the advice of a psychologist
Who: Kenpachi, Yachiru
When: Saturday evening
Where: Yachiru's room
Rating: PG
Open/Closed To: Yachiru, Kenpachi
As soon as Yachiru drifted off to sleep for a nap, Kenpachi raided his room for computer paper, pens, and markers. He took the supplies out to the living room and soon, after several failures, had made flashcards he was happy with. He'd wound up stapling several layers of paper together for each one, so they'd be a bit sturdier, and then wrapping them in tape to make them spill-proof as well as lessen the chance of a staple catching on something. He'd made heavy use of his highlighters, so the overall effect was bright and eye-catching, though everything was outlined too to make each card easy to read. Pleased with the results, he cleaned up, and then went back into her room to wait until she was awake again. He didn't have to wait long.
As soon as her eyes opened, Kenpachi grinned. "Got a suggestion from one o' 'Zuru's professors, Kurenai." He held up the cards, somewhat triumphantly, and scooted the chair over so he was right next to her. "This way ya ain't gotta type tha regular stuff. Here, I'll show ya wha' I got, an' if ya have any suggestions, I can make those too." One by one he went through them. "Got Yes, No, Hungry, Thirsty, Go 'way, Tired, heh, Fuck Ya, Bored, Hurtin', Bathroom, Want Artemis, Want Movie, an' Want Book. An' one tha's got all tha swearwords on it fer when yer feelin' really outta sorts. Figured it'd make things easier." He held them out to her with one hand, and gently pushed her hair back yet again with the other. "How 're ya doin', anyways?"