
Mar 30, 2008 14:59

What: Physical exam
Who:Ishida Ryuuken, Tseng, Rufus
When: This afternoon
Where: ShinRa mansion
Rating: PG
Open/Closed To:Ryuuken, Tseng, Rufus only

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ryuuken, tseng, rufus

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silver_austere March 31 2008, 00:38:00 UTC
Ryuuken was sitting in his office, largely oblivious to the events of the outside world. There were a couple of individuals which had he had some contact with since the genesis of his forty-third year. Kisuke, whom he had skillfully avoided, despite the fact that the blonde-haired "shop-owner" now knew where he lived. It was a good job perhaps that he spent little time in his apartment.

There was that pink-haired menace which had crossed his mind once or twice (perhaps more) but their meeting had stopped inconclusively and not how Ryuuken would orchestrate it, and there was little point in mulling over such a child-woman needlessly. Strange however that he had not seen her since their last encounter.

Then there was his son, Uryuu, for whom... he had lost his patience. That boy would learn some life lessons and some respect shortly enough.

A telephone call later and Ryuuken had something tangible and work-related he needed to focus on. Swiping up his briefcase containing some delicately sensitive documentation, and pulling out the necessary medical apparatus to store in the large sterile containers he walked out of his office and made his way into his car in the courtyard.

A brief look at the clock and Ryuuken put his foot to the pedal, speeding out of the hospital grounds, down the short network of roads to the ShinRa mansion. It had taken him 11 minutes approximately. Let in through the gates with little problem yet another drone was on hand to show him into the impressive structure.

Cases swung beside him with an idle manner which belied what he was feeling. Giving a knock on the door in front of him after drone-boy gestured he should do so, Ryuuken shunted his body weight around and raised his head to meet Rufus as the door opened.

"Good afternoon, Mr. President." His tone was cool and level as he noticed that there was another in the room with them. Ryuuken recognised him from the paperwork.. Tseng.

Giving a sneering snort towards the dark-haired young man he returned his gaze to Rufus. "I do not see why you need a bodyguard.."


tenorofcalm March 31 2008, 02:56:59 UTC
He sat, poised, on the couch, even though it was a lazy afternoon. A cool afternoon. He tucked one hand underneath his chin, and his other hand hovered over the arm of the chair, drumming the soft edges. He willed the time to pass, urged the seconds to pass. Let it pass. And on the side, he could hear the young blond commenting deliberately, which only made him chuckle and smirk faintly.

"Yes, doctors tend to be fashionably late." And he leaned forward slightly, lacing his fingers together as they waited. In the background, the digital clock just clucked evenly, unhurriedly. If it ticked any slower, he had a feeling-- he was sure-- that the young blonde beside him, his tenacious young president, would have snapped up and smashed the pretentious glass face with his fists.

But impatience aside, Tseng would observe the other's face with a thoughtful stare. And he could read, underneath the demanding commentary and the all too many insistent shifts of his weight, that Rufus Shinra was eager. He reached across the mahogany table and held a teacup by its base. Took a long, lenient sip. Set it back down. "I'm sure he will be here soon." The Turk glanced at the door and, sure enough, a loud rapping reverberated in the vacant hallways. Speak of the devil.

Rising quickly from the couch, Tseng took several steps toward the doctor until... Body guard? What? His jaws clenched as his hands slid slowly into his pocket. He decided, right then, that he would just remain within earshot, but nothing more. Tseng eyed the doctor warily, nodded in deference, then remained silent. His lips were pursed. He was tempted, make no mistake. He was tempted, truly tempted, to shoot off something like more than just a bodyguard in that characteristic deadpan voice of his. But then... well, he decided against it.

He forced a smile and stood aside.


bitter_prince March 31 2008, 03:11:35 UTC
Rufus didn't move at hearing the knock but glanced up, calm and composed with no sign of his impatience.

"Apparently," he commented thoughtfully, quietly to Tseng before the door opened. At Ryuuken's comment, the young president raised one eyebrow at the 'just a bodyguard' remark.

"Good evening, I am glad you were able to make it this afternoon," he said politely. "As for Tseng, he will remain in the room," Rufus said simply, it was clear that there would be no argument on that. Tseng was more than just a bodyguard but he saw no reason to explain. He did not have to justify himself to the doctor after all and he doubted Tseng would have left the room anyway.


silver_austere March 31 2008, 14:32:07 UTC
Dark cinereal blue eyes noted the tension in Tseng's body language, and Ryuuken waited patiently for the short moments to pass before the deferential nod was given out in his direction. Cocking his head a little more upwards he let those framed eyes look down his nose at him slightly, a small wryly satisfied smile forming upon his lips, before eyes returned to Rufus.

Of course Ryuuken had done his homework and was fully aware of Tseng's position within the administrative research faculty. That did not stop the fact that he thought it rather unorthodox, almost insulting, to have the head of the Turks standing by, watching him - the doctor, the professional - with distrustful eyes. More of a surprise was Rufus' mildly stated comment that Tseng should remain, which offered little in the way for arguement.

A small polite nod in response to Rufus sheened over the irritation apparent in his voice. "Hn. Very well. Whilst this is not conventional, Tseng will stay.. as you wish" He placed his cases upon the floor and looked back at the dark-haired individual "In fact that could work to both our advantages. With your permission, I will carry out his assessment after attending to you, Mr. President."

Deft fingers worked the combination locks before Ryuuken flicked open the cases, and straightened, clasping a stethoscope around his neck before moving towards the young blonde, still seated. "You tell me you have sustained some minor injuries. I will look at them first." and with that he gestured for Rufus to allow him access to his wounds.


tenorofcalm April 2 2008, 03:33:48 UTC
[ooc: pomg; i'm so sorry i'm late... ;_;]

He remembered that look. Familiar. He remembered seeing that look before, stared down by the aquiline nose and the gleaming, watery black eyes, of that notorious Professor Hojo. The professor, the maddened experimenter. Dr. Ryuuken was reminder of the long-drawn laughter and the way his leer knew how to pinch a man into bits. Tseng’s own eyes narrowed, and he felt now as strangely as he did then. Something within him drew back, slinked away. That he was a wired Turk made him paranoid, made him sensitive to people in general. And rightfully so. But he didn’t realize that, for all doctors, he now felt bitter, resentful, and apprehensive.

Irrational as it were, mission protocols always rigged into gear and the Turk mind would have him believe that all doctors equated to Hojo. Hojo was here to claim the president. If Hojo made a crooked move, he must die.

And the cogs of suspicion would turn when he weighed one possibility against another, and examined briefly every scenario of what the doctor could do, what he could not do. He ignored the part of him that chuckled casually for his distrustful obsession, because he knew, as long as he could remember, that this doctor was always associated with the company and in society, on good terms.

Except, then something alarmed him: the doctor intended to examine Tseng as well.

A gentle snap of his head, and his body language leaned away (the price of guilt) as he murmured hurriedly above his breath, “I’m in full health, doctor. My gratitudes for your service. But it would be selfish of me to take up any more of your time.”

His fingers moved to clinch the knot of his tie as he straightened it with a nudging pull.


bitter_prince April 2 2008, 04:34:00 UTC
Rufus didn't miss Tseng's reaction, he knew all too well the other's reaction to Hojo. But he ignored it, he didn't have to ask.

"Tseng, I have calls to make and files to go over after this, and it would be good to get your exam out of the way," Rufus nodded and his tone made it clear that it was an order and not up for discussion as he stood, taking off the white coat he wore.

"Yes, a few minor cuts, some bruises," he said to Ryuuken as the black shirt came off, revealing the bandages on his shoulder and arm. There were also bruises along his other arm and shoulders, most already had started to fade though.


silver_austere April 2 2008, 18:58:14 UTC
Ryuuken looked at Rufus and gave a small smile that was part acquiescence, part respect, part gratitude, part satisfied smirk.

The expression was fleeting however as Rufus peeled off his shirt, and it was quickly replaced by his usual look of concentration. His eyes gleened over the bruising before he focussed "Who dressed your wounds?" Ryuuken asked tersely as he snapped on a pair of rubber gloves, took Rufus' arm in his hands and began to remove the bandages. His movements were smooth, practiced and quick, and the cuts on the young presidents arm were soon bared to his methodical inspection.

"Moreover, why did you not page me in the first instance? This laceration on your shoulder is particularly deep and requires stitches. If I was on hand to attend to your wounds sooner, the likelihood of scarring would have been significantly reduced" and with that he moved to his case and pulled out some surgical thread, a sterile metallic bowl, tweezers, gauze, antiseptic and a hypodermic which he fixed together and filled with anaesthetic. "I am just going to numb the area locally. It may sting slightly.."


bitter_prince April 4 2008, 05:01:50 UTC
"Tseng did. I was unable to leave the office," Rufus said simply. Though he had not been so much unable as unwilling to leave his company until Tseng had had to almost drag him.
He stayed still, watching Ryuuken work with an even gaze. He had honestly not remembered the cut on his shoulder being that deep before but it had been dark when Tseng had dressed the wounds, it could have been easily missed. It certainly explained why his shoulder had been sore though. As for the more recent looking bruises and scratches, he made no comment about those.

"Time did not allow for it then," was all he said, not at all uneasy about the pain or needle Ryuuken held.

(forgot to add, Tseng-mun said we can go on without Tseng who will jump in later^^)


Sorrry again!! Repost! silver_austere April 4 2008, 17:11:41 UTC
"Unable to leave the office? Then you should have got your bodyguard to page me." he said severely, injecting the swollen tissue subcutaneously before carrying on "I take it you have distributed my number out to your Turks?"

Ryuuken noticed that Rufus barely flinched, even before the administration of the anaesthetic, and injecting directly around a wound was not exactly the most painless experience in the world. It disturbed him a little, though he hardly let it show.

Then Ryuuken noticed something else odd, as he began to criss cross the surgical thread effortlessly with tweezers. This particular laceration he was attending to did not look like a standard injury. The discolouration of the surrounding tissue was atypical, and spread down to between the boy's scapulae. Tugging and snipping off the thread he proceeded to pass a length between his fingers to measure out the scale of the contusion before turning to make a note within his records next to which he laid the thread to be measured more empirically later on. His face had remained straight throughout.

"Stand up" he barked out at the President, shortly, feeling a more pressing need now to examine further those contusions and scratches he had noticed earlier.


it's ok^^ bitter_prince April 4 2008, 17:18:52 UTC
"Yes, they were attending to more pressing matters as well at the time," Rufus said evenly. It was habit for him to hide any sign of pain so he kept his expression calm and composed thoughout it all. The only sign that he was in any sort of pain was the darkening of his blue eyes and the slight hitching of his breath.

Rufus glanced at Ryuuken but stood without protest, revealing further more recent looking bruises along his back and more srcatch marks but he offered no explanation as to their origin.


You are so patient with me! <3 silver_austere April 4 2008, 17:34:08 UTC
"Well, if there should happen to be a next time, ensure that I am contacted" Ryuuken clipped, patience a little tried. After all, he had stated that he would be on call 24-7. He really was not comfortable having his newly defined position made a farce of.

Ryuuken noticed the glance and merely associated it with the fact that he had just ordered the young man to his feet. It was quite clear that Rufus was not the sort who was used to being ordered around.

Fingers padded, and pressed, over the musculature of the man's back and Ryuuken paid very close attention to each mark and blemish. None were out of the ordinary. In fact, all he could conclude from the patterning and the density of the bruising that these other wounds were not made at the same time as the mark upon his shoulder, and likely they were not accidental.

In fact, as he held his hand up in position over the scratch marks, they seemed to match the spread of his own fingers. It was the sort of things he had seen before in association with bouts of.. rough play. His eyebrow raised slightly, though it was not surprising that a man of Rufus' age would be sexually active, the thought had just never crossed his mind before.

"Fine. Whilst you are standing, please take off your trousers. I will need to perform a testicular herniation check. A reason why medical exams are generally performed in private, Mr. President" and he cocked a glance in Tseng's direction. "I will just be completing a few notes, let me know when you are ready."


anytime <3^^ bitter_prince April 4 2008, 18:24:00 UTC
"Director Tseng has sat though my physical exams before," he commmented. Though that was mostly because his last doctor had been Hojo and it was just common sense not to be left alone in the same room as him.
Rufus had been through such exams many times before so it didn't phase him in the slightest as he undressed. It was certainly better than being poked and prodded at by a creepy doctor in a frumpy lab coat.


silver_austere April 4 2008, 18:51:58 UTC
"Hmmm." It wasn't Ryuuken's comment of distaste, more a verbal equivalent of a raised eyebrow. Marking a few notes out in Rufus' file he waited on his words. Putting on fresh rubber gloves he got impatient.

"Are you ready?"


bitter_prince April 4 2008, 18:59:27 UTC
"Of course," Rufus nodded with a slight smirk, very self-assured as usual. If Tseng was at all uncomfortable, either Rufus didn't notice or ignored it.


silver_austere April 4 2008, 19:13:20 UTC
Ryuuken turned on his heel and made his way over to Rufus. Nothing was particularly running through his mind aside from the procedure. He knew it was something most young men did not find easy to endure, but Rufus had not issued out any sense of concern. Because of this fact, he had not noticed the self assured smirk, which may indeed have been a good thing..

Placing his fingers around the man's scrotum he spoke plainly "Cough".


bitter_prince April 4 2008, 19:25:29 UTC
Rufus didn't like it but he had been through worse. He gave a cough as asked though he didn't like being ordered around, he was not going to argue.


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