What: L finds Kurenai
Who: L, Kurenai
When: After the trip to the store and Kurenai gets sick.
Where: Kurenai's room, wherever that leads to. Hospital, I'm guessing?
Rating: Pg-13, for scary sick people and frightened detectives?
Open/Closed To: L, Kurenai, anyone who wants to help a woman who can't get off the floor and a man who can't touch her for any reason.
L hurried up the stairway, his bare feet soft on the carpet but his heart pounding. It bothered him, indirectly, that Kurenai was sick, but what was causing him to panic was the fact that she wasn't making any sense. She was acting strangely, and speaking strangely, and the first priority in L's mind was to fix that. To return from chaos bearing order. "Kurenai?" he called, pushing open her bedroom door and shutting it hastily when he saw that there was a mirror inside.
He could hear mumbling further down the hall, and made his way toward the sound.