May 15, 2008 13:56
Hey I didn't fail any classes! In fact, I got a B in American Diversity. All that freaking out was for naught. I still haven't gotten my Spanish grades, which is irksome.
I still have no job, and haven't heard back from anyone. I'm going to call Sullivans and Woodhaven soon. I should probably go apply more in Peru, but I feel like it's such a waste to drive there for a shitty, depressing, retail job. It doesn't help that I don't have a car this summer and will have to borrow from my dad. On top of that, my dad is having hip surgery at the begining of June and so I'll need to be around to help him out since Laura has two jobs. My dad would rather I work around the house for him this summer, which would be fine, but I don't want to be broke all of next year like I was this year. I'd feel kind of guilty taking money from my dad. And I'd feel so lazy for not having a "real" job. And I'll get depressed if I stay home all summer. Of course I'll also get depressed if I'm working in some shitty store all summer. Hmmmm predicament.
I downloaded Final Draft and started working on Harvey the Christmas Whale with Brian again. I should be writing that now. But I'm not.
So I want to throw away every single thing in my bedroom right now. I think I might. I also want to get rid of basically every article of clothing I own. I need new stuff, instead of stuff I've had since Freshman year of highschool and all of Laura's old shit. None of it is me anymore, if it ever was.
The boys left for a camping trip last night. I'm a little jealous that they are actually going on a road trip and didn't invite the girls. Oh well, it will be good for them, and now Kelsey and I are trying to plan a road trip for the girls. We'll plan it tonight at our Girl's Night... Oh man, my friends sure love to embrace our gender roles! The "Pretty Girls and Boys" are so the reason I'm still so femmey...