swamped with work

Mar 23, 2007 21:55

I've never thought that school was hell. Well, that's not true, but I've never thought that the academic aspect of school was what made it hell. I still don't, even though if the stress I'm experiencing regarding my schoolwork continues, I might just break.

On the one hand, here are my parents acting like I'm in a race, and if I don't get things done properly in record time I'll live the rest of my life as a failure. On the other, here's Aliceacting like I have all the time in the world, and I keep thinking about mom's colleague, whose son is schizophrenic and took six years to finish CEGEP at Dawson, and not wanting to go through life like some retard who needs supervision for EVERYTHING. Another thing I remember: Maggie telling me a horror story about a friend of hers who wanted to get into a program with a prerequisite in math. The woman failed the course the first time, but she took it again, and aced it, and the University still would NOT take her into the program.

There's all this pressure on me, and it just gets bigger and bigger as time goes on. And it seems that the more help I get, the less well I do. I did well in my first semester; passed all 7 of my courses, with assistance from NCJ. Then, suddenly, NCJ stopped working for me, and I had to drop two of my courses, and struggled desperately to pass French. I took a reduced courseload the following semester, and almost flunked two courses again, although I picked myself up again. And now? With a reduced courseload, I have failed Printmaking, am strugglig desperately in my Humanities course, and am doing only averagely in the other courses.

And it's not even that I suck. It's just that I have zip time management skills and happen to be the Queen of procrastination.

Little wonder that I'm spending 'Study Break' alternately doing research for just about 5 different assignments, and wasting my time online trying to AVOID the work that I really need to do.

I'm doing fuck-all to help myself.

Love, Mishi, wellfare bum-in-training


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