(no subject)

May 05, 2008 12:48

I have a confession to make: I never actually applied for a job at Wa-Thik-Ane for this summer. I was going to, but somehow I never got around to it, and by the time I remembered to do it, it was too late. They don't really accept applications past March. Last year submitted my application at the beginning of March and I was lucky to get 4 weeks of work, on again off again. When you're not at camp half the time you can't be as involved in camp activities. I was never around when the counselors helped plan the theme for the next week, and I always felt superfluous, like no one needed me or my help.

If that was 'lucky', I didn't want to be lucky this year. I wanted to be more involved, I wanted to give to the camp all that I could give, rather than just an extra pair of hands on the weeks when they needed an extra pair of hands. I wanted 8 weeks of work, or nothing. But I waited too long to send in my application, and that was that.

Of course, I knew my parents would make a huge deal out of it and make me hand it in even if it was late, even if it could ruin my summer, so I lied about it to them and told them I had handed it in, and then spent the next two months telling them "It's too early to know if they've hired me yet." Well, now it's not too early, and lately my parents have been telling me I should bug Girl Guide Headquarters about whether I've got the job or not, which I wouldn't have wanted to do even if I HAD sent in my application, and I figured I needed to tell them I hadn't been hired.

Dad was bugging me about that today. So I finally caved in and told him that I got an email from Girl Guides that said I hadn't been hired, and he didn't believe me. He wanted to SEE the email, and I had no way of showing him, since it didn't exist. So the truth came out, and as per my predictions Dad made me go in to Girl Guides, looking like a total idiot with a months-late application.

Why the Hell do my parents make me DO things like this? It's obvious I'm not gonna get the job, and all they say is: "You HAVE to go in and submit your application" "Michelle, I understand why you lied to us, but you shouldn't have kept it up so long." (Really? When I knew exactly what would happen if I told you?) "You ruined our summer, we were planning around you getting a job..." (I can still GET a job elsewhere, you selfish jerks, and you're idiots if you thought me getting hired at Wa-Thik-Ane was a sure thing!)

Fuck. I'm 19. I'm supposed to be an adult. But I can't start acting like one until I get treated like one, and people won't start treating me like one until I start acting like one. I'm so tired of acting like a brat and being treated like one.

girl guide camp, selfish jerks, parents

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