Why I didn't go to Otakuthon, and other late news

Aug 18, 2007 16:27

Notes on my summer vacation.

Week 2 of Girl Guide camp was hard. We had young girls, most of which were around 6 or 7. We had twins who were little terrors. We could not get them to do ANYTHING. Their names were Jade and Jasmine, and it literally took them at least 45 minutes to get dressed in the morning. I'm serious here, this was Jade's SPEED RECORD. And they'd look up at you with mischeivous grins on their faces that said "I'm such a loveable, mischeivous little scamp and you love me for it!" At least the boss's neice wasn't too bad. She got homesick for a while, but the boss was there to help her, so like I said, it wasn't too bad. Our theme that week was Winter Olympics, and I was in the Finland team with Chameleon, who's a big Monty Python fan and stole from two Python songs for our made up Finlandese national anthem. It rained for the second half of the week, so it was a bummer. Our twins had energy to spare, dear Lord!

When I came back from camp the second week, mom drove me home and I had to meet her friend from school and her husband? Boyfriend? Not sure. Anyways, I'm telling our guests about camp and this woman is cracking up. Mom comments afterward that I'm funny. I like making people laugh. I often try to phrase things in ways that will make people laugh. I'm not used to actually succeeding in making people laugh, though, and when mom tells me I'm funny, it seems disingenuous because she rarely laughs at my jokes and sometimes laughs when I'm not really trying to be funny.

Halfway through the next week Mom and Dad left on vacation, and my brother left for the Scout Jamboree. So nothing much happened. I read a lot, I played Final Fantasy VI and packed for my last week at camp, and other things. The last week was fun. I had older girls again, and only one of them was any kind of homesick, and she got better after the first day. I brought my Zelgadis cape to Harry Potter day, because it was the most appropriate thing I had to contribute, aside from my runes which weren't really of any use. The last week was blazing hot, so it was lucky my group was signed up for a water camp. We spent so much time in the lake it was a wonder my fingers didn't turn pruny permanently. Funfun.

Why didn't I attend Otakuthon when I got back home? 1- I had promised my MWOS acquaintances that I would attend a triple baby-shower on Saturday. I felt young there, chatted with Elena's son and Peter, father of the 3-month-old Serena (who was born the evening of the Dress rehearsal of Yeomen of the Guard), and had delicious cake and a wonderful time. I regret nothing. 2- I had to get ready for my train ride to Moncton with my brother on Monday, and didn't trust myself to be completely packed if I didn't spend all day Sunday convincing myself to do it. 3- The Concordia Anime Club scared me.

Actually, I do regret something. I regret the waste of the 15 bucks I spent on prereg at Otakuthon.

But I don't regret anything else.

So I spent one week and four days in the maritimes with my family, I, getting on their nerves and they, on mine. I missed my friends a lot, and spent a lot of time thinking, and maybe I did mature a bit, what with me getting my first job and realizing that I can be responsible... I'm just no good at being responsible for MYSELF.

I actually didn't have the time to read the books Siony lent me, because I was too busy at camp to read anything, and because with my family, I had decided to finish reading all those books I started and quit halfway through. I'm currently on Rise of Endymion, the last volume of Dan Simmons' epic science-fiction quartet, (I stopped halfway through the second book because I thought it was getting too theological) and have decided I'll get to Siony's books afterward. Some of the villains in Endymion and Rise of Endymion scare me shitless. Other elements of the story make me cry. These are GOOD books. I wanna know how Raul got into the Shrodinger's cat-box and how he's going to get out.

mwos, books, maritimes, camp, family

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