(no subject)

May 24, 2007 14:52

Hello, hello, hello! It's a beautiful day! The lilacs and crabapple trees are blooming, the tulips are in top shape, it's 26 degrees centigrade out and the sun is shining fabulously!

You can tell Mishi is a very happy camper. There are several factors in my euphoria.

Factor 1: School has been finished for a while, but I finally got my essay in to my Peer Teaching professor, who rewarded me with a certificate which says I am qualified to tutor English up to and including CEGEP level. I AM FINALLY DONE WITH SCHOOL FOR THE REST OF THE SEMESTER!

Factor 2: In case you were wondering, The Yeomen of the Guard was a huge success, and I had a lot of fun, and it was gloriously exhausting and nerve-racking like only the production and staging of an opera can be. (If you've read Maskerade, by Terry Pratchett, it was almost unfortunately nothing like that.) Last Saturday we went to Haskell and performed Yeomen for the last time on a tiny, crowded stage, got ready in tiny, crowded dressing rooms, and had a boisterous good time at the Pizza place. (and I met someone who wants to invite me to his D&D campaign, so maybe my role-playing famine has come to an end!) On the minus side, I never did get a milkmaid costume. Jeff, our Stage director, told me to lose the milkmaid schtick as I was never going to get my prop, and my costume finally was a townsgirl's costume. However, it did make for a great Basingstoke award: I got the 'could have been a milkmaid' award.

Factor 3: I GOT THE JOB AT WA-THIK-ANE! That's right, you're looking at the one and only Clover, Junior Counselor at one of Quebec's two Girl Guide camps! Best of all, my job will pay mucho dollars and I'll even be able to attend Otakuthon!

Which bring me to Factor 4: CONVENTIONS AND EVENTS! Tomorrow is the beginning of Anime North, and it's a three-in-one holiday! Yessiree, in addition to being the awesome day that Anime North begins, the Glorious 25th of May is a time to observe and appreciate Terry Pratchett, the awesome, kick-ass author of the Discworld Trilogy. Coincidentally, it's also Towel Day, which celebrates the awesomeness that is Douglas Adams. Since my father has already observed quite a likeness in their writing styles, I think this is just too perfect! Tomorrow I'll be wearing a sprig of lilac and carrying a towel all day long.

mwos, job, anime north, school

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