Jul 17, 2009 21:04
orientation at madison was boring, but kinda cool. i stayed in a dorm with a girl who is gonna be living in the same res hall as i am, only a few doors down, so that was neat. otherwise, it was very warm, i got a little bit sunburned, and we walked around a whole lot from building to building doing orientation-y stuff. people were very outgoing, so it was weird for me because im very introverted. like, me and my roommate just got our breakfast and were about to sit down, and some guy invited us to sit with him. so, it was cool, and i really hope i can get over my shyness when college starts.
enrolling in classes was a pain in the ass. i was completely lost and it seemed like everyone else around me knew what they were doing, and i didnt want to ask for help and i wanted to cry, haha. but i eventually figured most of it out and asked the people next to me for help. its weird not taking the typical high school classes, like english/math/science, and then maybe a few fun classes. at orientation, i enrolled in zulu, principles of archaeology, roundtable seminar [we pick a topic, talk about it once a week and eat dinner], and classical figures grapple with contemporary controversies [its done in a talk show format, which is good for my communication arts/tv and film major im planning on...]. i was bummed that i didnt get a spanish class [i want to study abroad and double major with spanish & commarts], but they keep adding more classes because of high demand, so i snagged a class this morning, that fits nicely into my schedule.
i need a laptop. there is one at best buy thats like, 750 and comes with everything on it already, but there is a huge battery on it which tilts it forward and im not sure if i like that at all... so yeah.
AND I JUST FOUND OUT LIKE, 15 MINUTES AGO THAT ONE OF MY BEST FRIENDS IS ENGAGED!!!! and i am so very happy for her! we are going to hang out on tuesday before i go on vacation, and she is going to tell me all about it. :D