Travel Perks

Apr 22, 2015 13:57

Effin lost my entryy! Was already half way done ughhh. Anyway I'll try to rewrite it again.

My company sponsored a summer bootcamp in Laoag City, which is in the northern part of the Philippines.

I badly need this break from the office as I'm sick of bosses micro-managing us. I hope that my feelings and thoughts will be refreshed when I come back on Monday.

My mid-air entertainment - ARASHI BEAUTIFUL WORLD CONCERT. ❤️❤️❤️ my colleagues were lauging at me when I was giggling on the window side of the plane haha but I really didn't care!

Couldn't take my eyes of my babyboy!!! WHY SO HOT. *dying*

Jun had me in this moment! Literally laughing loud!!! REALLY JUN? REALLY???? Shaking his ass off with this one-button costume!!! Haha Though it was fun seeing his white and slim belly. In totality, His number was very flirtyyy!

Anyway, we already landed so I'll continue my Arashi concert marathon later.

Gotta work now. Later! 😀
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