Apr 27, 2006 09:50
It was suggested yesterday that I write my own BA curriculum and try to graduate asap so I can help teach the gaming program. I will be working w/ my friend from Raven Studios on a new MOD using the Quake Engine most likely. I have been freaking out because I am not happy w/ any of my friends, but realized I'm too busy to really hang w/ the new ones. Besides line dancing last night and meeting Anna, I will be meeting Jerret this weekned. I really don't know what I want. When I get attention I want to be working and when I'm working I want to be w/ my friends. Cory makes me really fustrated, like I don't even want to talk to him anymore. Why can't it be constant? So now I do boxing, martial arts, line dancing, waitress, and building a MOD for college credits. At least it's all productive. My next choice is to come to Dallas than hopefully LA. I want to meet my fam. asap. It would probably be easier to go from one to the next.. so I don't have to fly outta Jersey twice, and be depressed after TX. It's good that I'm on a freakin diet and sticking to it fairly well.