Oct 29, 2012 11:01

The weekend after NYCC I went to NH for AAC (Another Anime Con). I stayed with my pal Dixxy Thursday night (and grabbed Unos, meet DaddyWarbat from Tumblr, glued magnets on her cool chibby heads, and watched Once Upon a Time) and went to the Con with her on Friday. I bought 2 chibi heads (gifts for Sheila/amber) and was given 2 for my assistance which was an AWESOME bonus. Dixxy was suffering from some kind of killer cough that gave her nose bleeds. Hopefully she got better!

It was such a different experience than NYC and really what the doctor ordered. SO mellow. I was such a casual attendee it was awesome. I went into this free Pumpkin Painting room and painted a Damian Wayne Pumpkin- which was then retweeted by the artist of the Batman and Robin comic! XD He even said I got the expression just right. So heee!

I went to lots of Cosplay panels this time around. 2 were really good. 2 were kinda lame. I missed out on AMVS this time. Next time!

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