Here we go..

Nov 15, 2008 21:41

Today was really freaking bizarre.

Work had one customer. One.

I did do like 2 small fics on Opfanforall...and have another that I started in the works.

The boss came in 10 minutes before quiting time and had me close early. He looked sad that there was only one customer...and I recalled that kim said the production has been cut back. (no more production on fridays). This makes me wonder if I will be working as much as I suspected I would in DEc...hmm.

I came home. I was supposed to see my dad but it was raining really hard...and I kinda blew it off for a nap instead.

Ditto for the sex toy party.

Trip to walmart with tom...and then...

AND OMG...I stumbled across the TV show based on the Sword of Truth books. IT IS INSANE.

First. WTF!? I have been looking forward to this why hadn't I heard about it being on so sooN!
The series started already and I came in the middle of episode 5!

Richard is way younger and much hotter than I expected...(in this youtube link I'm putting up the first time you see him he is totally fan servicing it up chopping wood.

UH...I need to see the series from the begining because the episode I walked in on...SO SO NOT jiving with the books AT ALL. (Zedds paternity being called into question with a son? Richards mom= alive?! WTF! Something is amiss. Maybe I walked in at the wrong place... but GEEZ!) =10 minute preview that SEEMS accurate to the book..kinda.

OMG!! My favorite One Piece moments are animated at last. They even added a shoulder grab and GAH! EPICNESS!! Most favorite episode EVER!! THe san/Zo is SO RIGhT THERE!! (and even if it isn't OMG it's awesome.) I need this on dvd ASAP. it people. =part 3 and the most epic portion of the episode.

seeker, one piece, work

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