The ultimate argument...

Feb 21, 2002 12:34

...against commercially released anime. I recieved an e-mail today from a Japanese friend of mine, after having seen the American subtitled version of the DBZ DVD.

The title of the e-mail: Aaargh! No! That's NOT what they're saying!

The text:

Now don't get me wrong, I have nothing against English subtitles - I'd never go
against anything that'd help spread anime across the world - but it was just
that some of the translations had got absolutely no relation to what was
going on in the movie. Sometimes I even felt like banging my head against
the wall in frustration (of course, since I understood perfectly what was
actually going on, I didn't miss out on anything). But still, I think it's a
real pity that there are Americans out there who suddenly find wierd,
unrelated subtitles in the middle of a foreign language movie when they're
trying their best to concentrate on the subtitles and the animation at the
same time. Hence, the subject of this e-mail.

End transmission :D
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