21 weeks since last update.....wow

Aug 28, 2008 09:05

Well were to start. I have been very very busy at work, still liking MPI, government jobs are great, might be moving into a claim centre close to home,that I would like very much.

Summer has come and gone, most house projects were put aside to work on our baby (the 69' firebird) but next summer it will be well worth it. I never made it to Falcon Lake this year, that is a first for me since I was a kid. That just goes to show how busy we have been. We did have the family over for Alika's 4th birthday which was a lot of fun as always, She is my favorite person in this world. Sad to say she may be leaving soon.

~reason for post...venting~~~

My sister has decided since her marriage has been rocky, that the best way to fix it is to move to Scotland because they were happy in Europe (of course that was before they had 2 children) Obviously I'm trying to stop this, and explain how expensive it is considering she has 2 small children (4and1) and you have to pay tution for all ages for school and medical! If it was just the 2 of them, I'm all for them going, but for 2 children, just not viable. Come on already........ I know she hates Winnipeg, and puts it down every chance she gets, but I think to stay in the country is a better idea. Plus I can't loose my Ika~Pika she is by best little friend. And Actually Alika is coming over today, and I'm taking her to Tinkertown tomorrow...YAY!

~end rant~
I was also in Gimli for a funeral during the icelandic festival....been awhile for me to be there durning that, it was nice, also did a dedication for my aunt to the church marking it as a historical bldg, plaque is very nice (next time in gimli check it out)  Gimli had it's first murder ever that weekend, it was unreal for family in Gimli.
Speaking of going back to your culture, I also volunteered at Folkorama for the Icelandic room, man that Scandanavian centre is waaayyyyy to small to for all those Ghoulies. I think I'm going to be on the planning commitee  for next year.....Ai-kon planning wheels spinning, next big summer event Icelandic pavillion!!!!! JK

Anyways that is my update alot more stuff has happened obviously everyone enjoy your long weekends, margarita's her I come!!

P.s Miss you everyone!! 
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