Jul 08, 2006 17:40
well I am feeling better for now I am going for a chest x-ray and ultrasound on monday so that should be interesting because I am still tender and I had a full blood test done the other day so hopefully something will get sorted out. But I am feeling good at the moment now and again I get a bit of pain but nothing like I felt like during the week :)... Well I have finally gotten of my fat ass and done something I have been looking into but never done anything about it I have sent of my acting cv and head shot to a management group so I can hopefully go on there books to start getting some work in this field and get some experience under my belt so to speak :)....
My baby is going well (Car) I have to wash it tomorrow so that will be fun lol hopefully it will be a nice day
other than that nothing else to write about so ill sign off for now
have a good weekend everyone