18 - Walk By Faith and Not By Sight (or Sound) Art Masterpost

Jul 14, 2009 00:01

Fic Title: Walk by Faith, not by Sight (or Sound)
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~ 21000
Summary: This is so not your usual, safe love story: there's so much more to both of them than meets the eye (or the ear).
Jared, a brilliant photography major practicing on a tv channel, lives to capture expressions with his camera.
Jensen, a stunning bartender with a promising musical carreer blooming on the side, lives to carve emotions in people's hearts with his voice.
Two worlds apart, brought together by an incredibly ironic fate; after they've met nothing will ever be the same again, even though, maybe, they're more similar than they'd ever thought.
Also featuring Sophia Bush, Tom Welling and Chad Michael Murray.


Warning: Art is kinda spoilery for the fic, so go read it first!


Jared's files

Jared walks in on Tom and Jensen


zip at megaupload | textless cover


zip at megaupload | textless cover


I hope I don't sound to braggy but I really kind of love the fic cover *g*

For Jared's medical files, I know it's unreadable but I actually used the article that matty_parkman mentions in her fic!

Thanks go to matty_parkman. You were wonderfully supportive through all my procrastination and back-and-forthing. It was a blast working with you :D

Credit for the photo of Jensen I used for the chapter separator goes to butterfly. Link to original.

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