Mar 19, 2005 21:44
shopping malls in vermont don't believe in bathrooms apparently.
melted shoes are a good reason to purchase new shoes... maybe.
most people in massachusetts drive like idiots.
ryan adams is going crazy, but that is fine.
growing up is growing old.
347 pages through the stragest book ive yet to read. 634 more to go.
purple heels may not be normal.
my cat can't see anymore.
my attention is not what it used to be.
everybody is identical in their secret unspoken belief that way deep down they are different from everyone else.
igloos are hard work.
in a little over a year im expected to become an adult.
i have something to say.
get your war on.
i started a movie company.
please forgive me.
i am not a list person.
i am now paying for my previous, misguided decisions.
it currently hurts to breathe.
i can show you wasted talent.
things are fine.
i now build furniture.
life is about sharing.
so many birthdays in april.
i would have been the last one to ever...
i conquered cold weather.
please dust me off.
im starting to feel this planet's spin.
i'd like to see the future.
centro-matic gave us blowpops.
i plan on playing chess in the commons this summer.
and driving to alaska.
the opposite game is fun.
there are 224 words in this entry.