Dec 03, 2007 21:07
Friday was a pretty boring day. Neat thing though, Jamie and I were twins at work. Completely by accident. We both had pigtails under knit hats and our black Outpost shirts over gray hoodies. It was pretty amusing. Customers kept asking if we planned it.
Saturday was a great freakin day! I got up, did a bit of work, cleaned up and hit the road. I went and picked up Keichan and off we went to party! Ugh! The roads were horrible. Icy rain and snow and I was driving before the plows and salt trucks got out. I hate HATE driving in conditions like that. Stresses me out like nothing else. I tried staying calm and all, but by the time I got to our destination I just wanted to sit and put my head down for a few minutes. Which I did, then joined in the fun. Kat, Noel (or is it Noelle?) and Rich threw a fantaboulous party. I won't go into too much detail as most people who read this were there. For those who were not, it was a mighty fine shindig! Tons of people there, very cool people. I got the softest stuffed tiger from the gift exchange. I have named him Natch, it is a combination the names of the fabulous hosts to the party. A few of us crashed there, myself included, as the roads were just getting worse. I have to say that their couch is ridiculous amounts of comfortable. It drains my will to move and was great for the various cuddle puddles that happened. *squee* Great times.
Much of sunday was spent with this same group of people as I was so unmotivated to go home or do anything else. Eventually I came back, after taking Kendall home. I didn't kidnap anyone (sadly). I crashed hardcore for about two hours after I got home and put stuff away. Nothing of importance happened after that, just boring work type stuff.
Today was mildly productive. I bought a parking permit and got my oil changed. I even got new windshield wipers, but it was too dark and too cold for me to put them on today. I'll get that in the morning. Truth be told I did only get about half of what I wanted done today. However, there was a changing of plans since my mom was admitted into the hospital. I am going to put on my pjs and do something mind numbing for a while.