Catching up

Nov 01, 2006 00:20

Ok so things they are a-changing!

Firstly I got a second job, so what little free time I had to start with is even less. I work for Alterra now in addition to Outpost. Its an ok job. A bit of weirdness. I work with Nathan at OP and now I work with his identical twin at Alterra. That was an amusing introduction. I am learning about coffee. There is a lot more about it than ever thought there was.I am training at the Lake front cafe, but I will be working at Bayshore. Why so far away? Well that brings to ..
Secondly, I am moving. Moving to the way north side. Ben and I are getting and apartment together. And before anyone thinks it (only because I have been going through this with my family) no, there is nothing between Ben and I. We are friends, just friends, only friends of a purely platonic nature, and he is also looking to get out of living with his parents. I'm not even able to fully articulate how I feel. A little bit of everything I suppose.
I have two jobs. I have my own car, insurance, and soon my own apartment. I am going back to school in january. Six months. I am giving myself six months. If I can succesfully survive for six months then I know I can make it. And what 'it' am I refering too? Well, if you really know me then you know 'it'.

And on to more personal things .... I hurt every where. From my temples to my toes, and thats not an exaggeration. My back is acheing again and all my muscles hurt. Plus a near constant headache. I'm blaming stress. Not that I have anything to be stressed about ...*rolles eyes* Yeah. Oh I got a cat. My brother's friend was having to get rid of there's and I made a comment about how the apartment must accept pets. So now I have a very not amused cat hiding somwhere in my room. She is not likeing this and poor Bonzai wants to hide in his favorite room and can't. I have to go back to House of Magick because I was overcharged. Its no big really. I love that store and hadn't been there for ages. I bought some good stuff. I have soooo friggin much to do. *sigh* Oh well, at least I won't be bored.

I think I had more to say but I am just going to cut this short(er). Its after midnight and I have to be up in four hours. Happy Samhain to those of you that celebrate, Happy Halloween to the rest. And for those that have passed before, I keep you in my thoughts and heart, be loved and remembered.
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