I suck at skateboarding!!

Sep 11, 2004 21:33

Yay. Yesturday, I went skateboarding at culpeper(again) with: Luke, Lucas, Mike, Matt, Mario, Marc, Brett, and Marc...I might of left someone out, but I might not have. Anyway, I realized how much I suck at skateboarding. Brett and Marc1(the better one) were both ollieing dow a ten stair, which is incase you don't know, ten steps of a staircase(very huge). BUT WAIT, to make me feel worse, Mario kickflipped it. How the hell does someone like mario know how to skate that good at his age to kickflip a ten stair. Am I missing something? There were these other people that were there before us, but they were skating the 5 stair in front. Later they came over to watch mario and them, and the girl who was with them that wore her hat sideways, was all, "man, i really want to flash someone," and kept looking at mike, haha, because he had a video camera! Good thing she didn't do it, because she was really ugly. Later that day, we went to McDonalds, where I learned that Lucas speaks fluent spanish and portraguese(spelling?) he said stuff, and I wowed. We also found many problems with our food while we were there, and got a bunch of free stuff! thanks to mario and his obsesion with doing odd things.

Now to today, I woke up early for some reason so I could get my haircut....which is, SUPRISE!!! A shaved head! Now i look like a huge fag!! YAY!! but on the bright side, i get to get a tattoo....so it evens out, plus my hair can always grow back!! hahaha, but at the moment i hate it with a firey passion! After the haircut, I went and got 4 really cool cymbals for my drums! A: 7 inch splash, 20 inch ride, replacement high hat(17 inch) and 12 inch crash...they rock really good. I feel professional. Can't wait for the band me luke and matt started to be complete(WE ARE LOOKING FOR A BASSISTS AND OTHER GUITAR PLAYER) And that's it,

~Tyler the magnificent!!!
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